ProEssential中Y軸重疊設定 多個Y軸

2021-05-23 23:47:59 字數 3208 閱讀 9750

penset(m_hpe, pep_nsubsets, 4);//設定4個子集

// subset labels

pevsetcell( m_hpe, pep_szasubsetlabels, 0, text("體溫"));

pevsetcell( m_hpe, pep_szasubsetlabels, 1, text("脈搏"));

pevsetcell( m_hpe, pep_szasubsetlabels, 2, text("血氧"));

pevsetcell( m_hpe, pep_szasubsetlabels, 3, text("血壓"));

int val = pelt_thinsolid;

pevsetcell(m_hpe, pep_nasubsetlinetypes, 0, &val);//各子集線條型別

pevsetcell(m_hpe, pep_nasubsetlinetypes, 1, &val);

pevsetcell(m_hpe, pep_nasubsetlinetypes, 2, &val);

pevsetcell(m_hpe, pep_nasubsetlinetypes, 3, &val);

// subset colors //

dword dwarray[4] = ;

pevset(m_hpe, pep_dwasubsetcolors, dwarray, 4);

// create 4 separate axes and then overlap all //

val = 1;//必須為1

pevsetcell(m_hpe, pep_namultiaxessubsets, 0, &val);

pevsetcell(m_hpe, pep_namultiaxessubsets, 1, &val);

pevsetcell(m_hpe, pep_namultiaxessubsets, 2, &val);

pevsetcell(m_hpe, pep_namultiaxessubsets, 3, &val);

val = 4;

//pevsetcell(m_hpe, pep_naoverlapmultiaxes, 0, &val);//是否重疊,注釋掉為垂直重疊,否則為水平重疊


// match axis color and label to subset label //

penset(m_hpe, pep_nworkingaxis, 0);

penset(m_hpe, pep_dwyaxiscolor, pergb( 128,218,0,0));

peszset(m_hpe, pep_szyaxislabel, text("體溫(℃)"));

//penset(m_hpe, pep_nplottingmethod, pegpm_bar);

double d = 0.0f;

pevset(m_hpe, pep_fmanualminy, &d, 0);

d = 50.0f;

pevset(m_hpe, pep_fmanualmaxy, &d, 0);

d = 0.0f;

pevset(m_hpe, pep_fzoomminy, &d, 0);

d = 50.0f;

pevset(m_hpe, pep_fzoommaxy, &d, 0);

penset(m_hpe, pep_nworkingaxis, 1);

penset(m_hpe, pep_dwyaxiscolor, pergb( 128,0,218,0));

peszset(m_hpe, pep_szyaxislabel,text( "脈搏(次)"));

//penset(m_hpe, pep_nplottingmethod, pegpm_splinearea);

d = 30.0f;

pevset(m_hpe, pep_fmanualminy, &d, 1);

d = 100.0f;

pevset(m_hpe, pep_fmanualmaxy, &d, 1);

d = 30.0f;

pevset(m_hpe, pep_fzoomminy, &d, 1);

d = 100.0f;

pevset(m_hpe, pep_fzoommaxy, &d, 1);

penset(m_hpe, pep_nworkingaxis, 2);

penset(m_hpe, pep_dwyaxiscolor, pergb( 128,0,0,218));

peszset(m_hpe, pep_szyaxislabel, text("血氧(bpm)"));

//penset(m_hpe, pep_nplottingmethod, pegpm_pointsplusline);

d = 30.0f;

pevset(m_hpe, pep_fmanualminy, &d,2);

d = 250.0f;

pevset(m_hpe, pep_fmanualmaxy, &d, 2);

d = 30.0f;

pevset(m_hpe, pep_fzoomminy, &d, 2);

d =250.0f;

pevset(m_hpe, pep_fzoommaxy, &d, 2);

penset(m_hpe, pep_nworkingaxis, 3);

penset(m_hpe, pep_dwyaxiscolor, pergb( 128,218,218,0));

peszset(m_hpe, pep_szyaxislabel, text("血壓(mmhg)"));

//penset(m_hpe, pep_nplottingmethod, pegpm_point);

d = 0.0f;

pevset(m_hpe, pep_fmanualminy, &d, 3);

d = 270.0f;

pevset(m_hpe, pep_fmanualmaxy, &d, 3);

d = 0.0f;

pevset(m_hpe, pep_fzoomminy, &d, 3);

d = 270.0f;

pevset(m_hpe, pep_fzoommaxy, &d, 3);

penset(m_hpe, pep_nworkingaxis, 0);

penset(m_hpe, pep_bzoommode, false);//該引數必須設為false


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