oracel 重要記事

2021-05-24 02:25:09 字數 519 閱讀 4867


create or replace function zjw_c2l(ind in varchar2) return varchar2 is

ret_msg varchar2(1000);


select substr(max(sys_connect_by_path(column_name, ',')), 2) as column_name

into ret_msg

from (select c.column_name, rownum as rn

from dba_ind_columns c  --user_ind_columns

where c.index_name = ind

order by c.column_position)

start with rn = 1

connect by rn - 1 = prior rn;

return ret_msg;

end zjw_c2l ;  

Oracel , 索引 ,失效

1,2,單獨的 有時會用到,有時不會 3,like 百分號在前.4,表沒分析.5,單獨引用復合索引裡非第一位置的索引列.6,字元型字段為數字時在where條件裡不新增引號.7,對索引列進行運算.需要建立函式索引.8,not in not exist.9,當變數採用的是times變數,而表的字段採用的...


替代變數 臨時變數也被稱為替換變數 select q.u.ui login name u.ui name q.rowid from vehicle qc info q inner join user info u onq.vqi user id u.ui id andq.vqi vi id sele...


1 to char x formate 函式,將數字型轉換為字串型別。sql declare v inta number 12345.67 begin 普通輸出 dbms output.put line to char v inta 整數三位用逗號隔開 dbms output.put line to...