vc 將檔案存入mysql資料庫

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vc 將檔案存入mysql資料庫

2008-07-15 11:31

與mysql通訊,我選擇直接使用mysql的c api,可以非常方便快捷地對mysql進行操作,還可以輕鬆地實現跨平台,如果使用odbc,那麼在*nix下時,還得重寫一套**。



you must use mysql_real_query() rather than mysql_query() for queries that contain binary data, because binary data may contain the 『/0』 character. in addition, mysql_real_query() is faster than mysql_query() because it does not call strlen() on the query string.

講了這麼多了,下面附乙個我寫的函式例子, 注意這個函式是純c寫的,與c++沒有關聯:

int my_upload_blob(mysql* db, const char* filepath, const char* cmd_prev, int prev_len, const char* cmd_next, int next_len)

data    = malloc(1000*1024);            /* 1m */

chunk = malloc(2*1000*1024+1);    /* 2m */

query = malloc(1024*5000);       /* 5m */

pos    = query;

size = fread(data, 1, 1024*1000, fp);

size = mysql_real_escape_string(db, chunk, data, size);

/* copy sql to query */

len = prev_len;

strncpy(query, cmd_prev, len);

pos = query + len;

/* copy binary file data to query */

*pos++ = '/'';

strncpy(pos, chunk, size);

pos += size;

*pos++ = '/'';    

/* if next is not null, a comma is needed */

if (cmd_next)

/* copy sql to query */

len = next_len;

strncpy(pos, cmd_next, len);

pos += len;

/* should call mysql_real_query */

if (0 != mysql_real_query(db, query, pos - query))





return 0;


int my_download_blob(mysql* db, char* filepath, char* cmd, int field_pos)

if (0 != mysql_query(db, cmd))

mysql_res* _res = mysql_store_result(db);

mysql_row _row = mysql_fetch_row(_res);

if (null == _res)

lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(_res);

fwrite(row[field_pos], lengths[field_pos], 1, fp);



return 0;



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