
2021-05-25 02:18:29 字數 2358 閱讀 5348

刪除 :drop procedure if exists 名稱; 


create procedure add_caller

(myuid int,

fwuid int,

dt datetime,

out returnvalue int


declare exresult int;

declare dtbaseiff int;

declare countcall int;

declare callnumid int;

select datediff(dt, checkday) into dtbaseiff  from hot_userinfo where uid=myuid;

if dtbaseiff is null then

set dtbaseiff=1;

end if;

if dtbaseiff >0  then

update hot_userinfo set daychecknum=1,checkday=date_format(dt,'%y%m%d')  where uid=myuid;

end if;

if dtbaseiff<=0 then

update hot_userinfo set daychecknum=daychecknum+1 where uid=myuid;

end if;

update hot_userinfo set callernum=callernum+1 where uid=myuid;

set exresult=row_count();

if exresult is null then

set exresult=0;

end if;

if exresult >0 then

select count(*) into countcall from hot_caller where uid=myuid;

select callid into callnumid  from hot_caller where uid=myuid and calluid=fwuid;

if callnumid is null then

set callnumid=0;

end if;

if countcall >= 20 and callnumid <=0 then

delete from hot_caller where uid=myuid order by calltime asc limit 1;

end if;

if callnumid <=0 then

insert into hot_caller(uid,calluid,calltime,marking) values(myuid,fwuid,dt,0);

end if;

if callnumid>0 then

update hot_caller set calltime=dt where callid=callnumid;

end if;

end if;

set returnvalue = exresult;

endcreate procedure add_votestar

(receuid int,

senduid int,

tpnum int,

dt datetime,

out returnvalue int


declare exresult int;

select count(*) into exresult from hot_votestar where rid=receuid and sid=senduid and date_format(votetime,'%y-%m-%d')=date_format(dt,'%y-%m-%d');

if exresult is null then

set exresult=0;

end if;

if exresult <=0 then

insert into hot_votestar(rid,sid,score,votetime) values (receuid,senduid,tpnum,dt);

set exresult=row_count();

if exresult is null then

set exresult=0;

end if;

else if exresult >0 then

set exresult=2;

end if;

end if;

set returnvalue = exresult;


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