
2021-05-25 06:49:59 字數 807 閱讀 7132


select top 10 * from authors a order by newid()


select name from sysobjects where [type]='u'


alter table tb1 add firstname varchar(50)


alter table tb1 add lastname varchar(50) constraint lastname default 'james' with values


select * into b from a where 1<>1


select * into tableb from tablea


select * from syscolumns where id=[table_id]


select top 5 * from authors a where a.au_id not in (select top 10 au_id from authors a)  order by a.au_id asc

select * from sysobjects s

-- n到m條記錄(要有主索引id)

select top m-n * from 表 where id in (select top m id from 表) order by id   desc


1 查詢某個庫中所有的表名字 select name from sysobjects where xtype u and name dtproperties order by name 2 得到資料庫中所有使用者檢視 select name from sysobjects where xtype v...


t sql語句複製表的方法 我在sql server 2000中有現個資料庫datahr及demo,它們的結構是一樣,其它有乙個表名為 gbitem.現在我想將demo資料庫的表名 gbitem的全部內容複製到datahr資料庫的表名為 gbitem中。請問此t sql語句應該怎麼寫?謝謝高人指點!...


查詢 sp who 中的結果值。因為儲存過程不能查詢,先轉為臨時表再查詢。declare tb table spid varchar 100 ecid varchar 100 status varchar 100 loginame varchar 100 hostname varchar 100 b...