
2021-06-01 07:32:44 字數 2968 閱讀 6759


select * from sysobjects where [name] = 'section'


if exists ( select * from sysobjects where [name] = 'section' and xtype='u' )

drop table table1

go create table1 ( )


select name from sysobjects where xtype='u' and status>=0


select * from syscolumns c where c.id=object_id('section')

select name from syscolumns where id=object_id('表名')


select * from sysusers where status<>0


select distinct object_name(d.id) as 'program',


from sysdepends d inner join sysobjects o on d.id=o.id

where object_name(depid)='bbs_hits'


select a.* from sysobjects a, syscomments b where a.id = b.id and b.text like '%表名%'


select name as 儲存過程名稱 from sysobjects where xtype='p'


select column_name,data_type from information_schema.columns

where table_name = '表名'


select * from tablename order by customername


c = check 約束

d = 預設值或 default 約束

f = foreign key 約束

fn = 標量函式

if = 內嵌表函式

k = primary key 或 unique 約束

l = 日誌

p = 儲存過程


select * from sysobjects where [name] = 'section'


if exists ( select * from sysobjects where [name] = 'section' and xtype='u' )

drop table table1

go create table1 ( )


select name from sysobjects where xtype='u' and status>=0


select * from syscolumns c where c.id=object_id('section')

select name from syscolumns where id=object_id('表名')


select * from sysusers where status<>0


select distinct object_name(d.id) as 'program',


from sysdepends d inner join sysobjects o on d.id=o.id

where object_name(depid)='bbs_hits'


select a.* from sysobjects a, syscomments b where a.id = b.id and b.text like '%表名%'


select name as 儲存過程名稱 from sysobjects where xtype='p'


select column_name,data_type from information_schema.columns

where table_name = '表名'


select * from tablename order by customername


c = check 約束

d = 預設值或 default 約束

f = foreign key 約束

fn = 標量函式

if = 內嵌表函式

k = primary key 或 unique 約束

l = 日誌

p = 儲存過程

r = 規則

rf = 複製篩選儲存過程

s = 系統表

tf = 表函式

tr = 觸發器

u = 使用者表

v = 檢視

x = 擴充套件儲存過程

r = 規則

rf = 複製篩選儲存過程

s = 系統表

tf = 表函式

tr = 觸發器

u = 使用者表

v = 檢視

x = 擴充套件儲存過程

UITextView 的一些用途

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用途一 定義一種型別的別名,而不只是簡單的巨集替換。可以用作同時宣告指標型的多個物件。比如 char pa,pb 這多數不符合我們的意圖,它只宣告了乙個指向字元變數的指標,和乙個字元變數 以下則可行 typedef char pchar pchar pa,pb 這種用法很有用,特別是char pa,...


檢視使用者下所有的表 select from user tables 檢視使用者下所有的表的列屬性 select from user tab columns where table name upper table name 檢視某錶的建立時間 select object name,created ...