第乙個ARM匯程式設計序 氣泡排序

2021-06-02 02:29:00 字數 1264 閱讀 2144

area sort,code,readonly		;declare for code area

entry ;entry for the whole code

start ;main code flag

mov r4,#0 ;clear r4

ldr r6,=src ;r6 point to the begining of numbers

add r6,r6,#len ;r6 point to the end of numbers

outer ;outer loop begining

ldr r1,=src ;r1 point to the begining of numbers

inner ;inner loop begining

ldr r2,[r1] ;get the number in address of r1

ldr r3,[r1,#4] ;get the number in address next to r1

cmp r2,r3 ;compare two numbers we gotten

strgt r3,[r1] ;if the first > the second

strgt r2,[r1,#4] ;exchange the position of two numbers

add r1,r1,#4 ;the point of r1 move

cmp r1,r6 ;compare position current and ending

blt inner ;if not meet the ending go on to loop

add r4,r4,#4 ;global counter +1

cmp r4,#len ;compare the current position

suble r6,r6,#4 ;if not meet the ending

ble outer ;go on to loop

area array,data,readwrite ;decare for data area

src dcd 2,4,10,8,14,1,20 ;init the original numbers

len equ 7*4 ;get the length of numbers

end ;end of whole code

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01 第乙個匯程式設計序

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