
2021-06-02 21:24:08 字數 1788 閱讀 2008


/// represents the log level, level of value 4 is the most important


public enum loglevel : int



string pathlog = pathdirlog + logfilename;

filemanager.instance().createfilefrompath(pathlog, false);

string readlogfile=file.readalltext(pathlog);

this.logfile = filemanager.instance().getfileinfofrompath(pathlog);

//default mode

//tmp should be modified form the settings after

this.loglevel = loglevel.lvlmin;//tmp

//tmp dev

this.printtoconsole = true;

return readlogfile;

}/// the path of the logs


/// return the name of the logfile


/// the name of the log file

//tmp log if not found ?!

return logname;


/// create a directory from the given path


/// directory complete path

/// the directoryinfo corresponding to the directory, or null otherwise

public directoryinfo createdirectoryfrompath(string ppath)

di = new directoryinfo(ppath);

}return di;


/// create a file from the given path


/// file complete path

/// overwrite if existing file found

/// the fileinfo corresponding to the path, or null otherwise

public fileinfo createfilefrompath(string ppath, boolean poverwrite)

fi = new fileinfo(ppath);

}return fi;


/// return the file information object for a given path


/// the path of the file

/// the fileinfo of the corresponding file if found, null otherwise

public fileinfo getfileinfofrompath(string ppath)

}return fi;



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