emacs 常用配置

2021-06-04 02:40:35 字數 501 閱讀 2474


(global-linum-mode 1)


(global-hl-line-mode 1)



;; custom-set-faces was added by custom.

;; if you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.

;; your init file should contain only one such instance.

;; if there is more than one, they won't work right.

4, tab 為4個空格

(setq tab-width 4 c-basic-offset 4)


因為經常改變工作環境,所以在這裡記錄一下我的.vimrc檔案和.emacs檔案的內容。vimrc的配置檔案,主要是設定語法高亮,和tab鍵的寬度,個人喜歡設定為4個空格的分量。set tab width set tabstop 4 set softtabstop 4 set shiftwidth 4...

emacs 字型配置

overide the default changing font size bindings to make changing more subtle defun local increase font size interactive set face attribute default nil...


這次的基本配置主要包括 setq default c basic offset 8 tab width 8 indent tabs mode t 調整color theme,在將color theme要求的安裝包放到.emacs.d的customer的資料夾中,並將 emacs.d customer...