git 鬱悶死我了

2021-06-05 02:32:48 字數 1963 閱讀 7595



$ ssh -vt

openssh_4.6p1, openssl 0.9.8e 23 feb 2007

debug1: connecting to [] port 22.

debug1: connection established.

debug1: identity file /c/users/sa/.ssh/identity type -1

debug1: identity file /c/users/sa/.ssh/id_rsa type 1

debug1: identity file /c/users/sa/.ssh/id_dsa type -1

debug1: remote protocol version 2.0, remote software version openssh_5.1p1


debug1: match: openssh_5.1p1 debian-5github2 pat openssh*

debug1: enabling compatibility mode for protocol 2.0

debug1: local version string ssh-2.0-openssh_4.6

debug1: ssh2_msg_kexinit sent

debug1: ssh2_msg_kexinit received

debug1: kex: server->client aes128-cbc hmac-md5 none

debug1: kex: client->server aes128-cbc hmac-md5 none

debug1: ssh2_msg_kex_dh_gex_request(1024<1024<8192) sent

debug1: expecting ssh2_msg_kex_dh_gex_group

debug1: ssh2_msg_kex_dh_gex_init sent

debug1: expecting ssh2_msg_kex_dh_gex_reply

debug1: host '' is known and matches the rsa host key.

debug1: found key in /c/users/sa/.ssh/known_hosts:1

debug1: ssh_rsa_verify: signature correct

debug1: ssh2_msg_newkeys sent

debug1: expecting ssh2_msg_newkeys

debug1: ssh2_msg_newkeys received

debug1: ssh2_msg_service_request sent

debug1: ssh2_msg_service_accept received

debug1: authentications that can continue: publickey

debug1: next authentication method: publickey

debug1: trying private key: /c/users/sa/.ssh/identity

debug1: offering public key: /c/users/sa/.ssh/id_rsa

debug1: authentications that can continue: publickey

debug1: trying private key: /c/users/sa/.ssh/id_dsa

debug1: no more authentication methods to try.

permission denied (publickey).


我哭了,我鬱悶 是我太認真了嗎?

今天我們部門開例會 從晚 我一大早的去那等著,我今天讓副部全部通知了,都要開會,因為我想趁著這次例會再演講一番,主要講一下本部門的紀律性和覺悟性問題,結果,已經踢走了 人 人只來了 個,乙個腳紐傷,乙個沒下課,乙個關機,乙個說她媽要出差,要她回家,還有乙個散會了才來 我準備好的內容就想給他們說的,結...


乙個專案需要在winform中編輯html,然後顯示頁面。在編輯過程中頁面分成頂部和底部內容部分。頂部內容不可以編輯。所以我定義了乙個層包含這部分內容,這樣可以方便的在cs中利用正則刪掉和新增這部分內容。我定義了如下層 利用css設定這部分樣式 subject color red 在除錯過程中發現,...


產品經理給了乙個需求,讓我著實比較鬱悶,不過理論上講世界上是沒有沒答案的問題的所以只能按照需求給出個相對可以實現的結果。需求如下 店鋪的標題展示規則 因為做移動網際網路的,手機螢幕畢竟很小,給的介面中的標題又比較長所以只能是去做相應的擷取了 1.過濾特殊符號,以空格代替 2.過濾url編碼 將類似 ...