ios開發 一些小函式

2021-06-05 03:00:29 字數 872 閱讀 2920

1. 如何將nsstring的值轉為nsinteger的值。


/* the following convenience methods all skip initial space characters (whitespaceset) and ignore trailing characters. nsscanner can be used for more "exact" parsing of numbers.

*/- (double)doublevalue;

- (float)floatvalue;

- (int)intvalue;

#if mac_os_x_version_10_5 <= mac_os_x_version_max_allowed || __iphone_2_0 <= __iphone_os_version_max_allowed

- (nsinteger)integervalue;

- (long long)longlongvalue;

- (bool)boolvalue;  // skips initial space characters (whitespaceset), or optional -/+ sign followed by zeroes. returns yes on encountering one of "y", "y", "t", "t", or a digit 1-9. it ignores any trailing characters.



nsinteger inputvalue = [textfield.text


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