Hive匯出資料到MYSQL 筆記

2021-06-05 08:28:24 字數 1448 閱讀 7323


vim export.sql:


if(player_id is not null,player_id,'  '),

if(regist_time is not null,regist_time,0),

if(online_time_num is not null,online_time_num,0),

if(last_login_time is not null,last_login_time,0),

if(last_login_ip is not null,last_login_ip,''),

if(`level` is not null,`level`,0),

if(coin is not null,coin,0),

if(game_id is not null,game_id,0),

if(agent_id is not null,agent_id,0),

if(server_id is not null,server_id,0),

if(`date` is not null,`date`,'0000-00-00'),

if(`name` is not null,`name`,'  ')

from fycenter.members

where (

(`date`='2012-03-01' and game_id=5 and agent_id in (135,127) )

or (`date`='2012-02-29' and game_id=6 and agent_id in (173,184) )

or (`date`='2012-02-29' and game_id=7 and agent_id in (329, 337,331) )

or (`date`='2012-02-29' and game_id=10 and agent_id = 282)

or (`date`='2012-02-29' and game_id=12 and agent_id in (217,213) )

or (`date`='2012-02-29' and game_id=13 and agent_id=370)

or (`date`='2012-02-29' and game_id=3)

2. 命令列下執行:

/opt/hive/bin/hive -f export.sql > export.result2.txt

cp export.result2.txt > /tmp/export.result2.txt

mysql -uroot -p***123 olap -h***.***.***.***

清空表》 truncate table members;

> load data infile '/tmp/export.result2.txt' into table members    (    ) ;


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