
2021-06-05 08:35:55 字數 1090 閱讀 5347

public static string makexfjbh(string jtr, string djrq, string xftj,

string yhbm, ibasezrardao dao) throws exception else if (businesscanstant.xf_ywdj_xftj_xx.equals(xftj)) else if (businesscanstant.xf_ywdj_xftj_dx.equals(xftj)) else if(businesscanstant.xf_ywdj_xftj_sp.equals(xftj))

len = len + tjnamelen;

djrq = djrq.substring(0, 4) + djrq.substring(5, 7)

+ djrq.substring(8, 10);

string sqlgetmaxid = "select max(cast(substr(xfjbh," + (len - 3)

+ ",4) as int)) from txfywdj where djrq>=to_date('" + djrq

+ " 00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and  djrq<=to_date('"

+ djrq + " 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and jtr='" + jtr

+ "' and xftj='" + xftj + "'";

list list = dao.find(sqlgetmaxid);

int i;

if (list == null || list.size() == 0) else else else }}

stridtail = string.valueof(++i);

int lenoftail = stridtail.length();

for (int j = 0; j < 4 - lenoftail; j++)

strid = xftjname + yhbm + djrq + stridtail;

return strid.trim();



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