oracle復合型別 巢狀表模糊查詢

2021-06-06 15:46:39 字數 1024 閱讀 1831


--必須先使用create type命令來建立巢狀表型別,當使用巢狀表型別作為表列的資料型別時,必須為巢狀表指定專門的儲存表

create type phone_type01 is table of varchar2(20);

--create table employee011(

id number(4), 

name varchar2(10),

sal number(6,2),

phone phone_type01)nested table phone store as phone_type011;

--insert into employee011 values(2, 'scoddtt', 80, phone_type01('12345dhh6','ddd1324564hhh1234'));

/*insert into employee011 

values(1, 'scott', 800, phone_type01(to_date('2012-03-05','yyyy-mm-dd'),'中國人的ffffffff的的',to_number('46456')));*/

---select *  from employee011;


select  t.*,tt.*  from employee011 t , table( tt where tt.column_value  not  in ('%1324564hhh1234');

select no

from (

select column_value as no  from table(select phone from employee011)

)  where no='12345hh6';

select *from phone_type011


select t.* from table(select phone from employee011 where name='scott') t ;


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