Oracle 分組 行轉列操作

2021-06-06 20:40:23 字數 2907 閱讀 9103

1、原始資料(這個資料是下面sql 查出的資料)









select a.trademonth trademonth,

a.broker_branch brokerbranch,

decode(b.user_type, '3', '2', '5', '2', b.user_type) usertype,

a.margin_trade_tc_adj tc,

a.open_bal_money_adj openbalmoneyadj,

a.broker_branch_sum brokerbranchsum

from rzrq.tb_rzrq_cust_martc_cross a

inner join xc.tb_h_snap_user b on a.user_id = b.user_id

and a.trademonth = b.archive_date

and b.user_type in ('0', '1', '3', '4', '5')

where a.cust_branch <> a.broker_branch

union all

select c.trademonth trademonth,

c.broker_branch brokerbranch,

decode(d.user_type, '3', '2', '5', '2', d.user_type) usertype,

c.normal_trade_tc_adj tc,

0.0000 openbalmoneyadj,

c.broker_branch_sum brokerbranchsum

from rzrq.tb_rzrq_cust_nortc_cross c

inner join xc.tb_h_snap_user d on c.user_id = d.user_id

and c.trademonth = d.archive_date

and d.user_type in ('0', '1', '3', '4', '5')

where c.cust_branch <> c.broker_branch


select t.trademonth,



sum(case t.usertype when '0' then else 0 end) 客戶經理提成調整,

sum(case t.usertype when '2' then else 0 end) 基礎崗提成調整,

sum(case t.usertype when '1' then else 0 end) 經紀人提成調整,

sum(case t.usertype when '4' then else 0 end) 業務部提成調整,

sum(openbalmoneyadj) openbalmoneyadjsum,

sum(brokerbranchsum) expadjustsum

from (select a.trademonth trademonth,

a.broker_branch brokerbranch,

decode (b.user_type,'3','2','5','2',b.user_type )usertype,

a.margin_trade_tc_adj tc,

a.open_bal_money_adj openbalmoneyadj,

a.broker_branch_sum brokerbranchsum

from rzrq.tb_rzrq_cust_martc_cross a

inner join xc.tb_h_snap_user b on a.user_id = b.user_id

and a.trademonth = b.archive_date

and b.user_type in ('0','1','3','4','5')

where a.cust_branch <> a.broker_branch

union all

select c.trademonth trademonth,

c.broker_branch brokerbranch,

decode (d.user_type,'3','2','5','2',d.user_type )usertype,

c.normal_trade_tc_adj tc,

0.0000 openbalmoneyadj,

c.broker_branch_sum brokerbranchsum

from rzrq.tb_rzrq_cust_nortc_cross c

inner join xc.tb_h_snap_user d on c.user_id = d.user_id

and c.trademonth = d.archive_date

and d.user_type in ('0','1','3','4','5')

where c.cust_branch <> c.broker_branch) t

group by t.trademonth, t.brokerbranch, t.usertype

分組使用group by ,根據t.trademonth(月份)、t.brokerbranch(營業部號)、t.usertype(使用者型別)分組

行轉列使用case when then 實現

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