
2021-06-06 23:02:21 字數 1267 閱讀 7105

private sub command1_click()

dim m as integer, n as integer, d as integer

dim s as long '


m = val(text1.text)

n = val(text2.text)

d = val(text3.text)

s = 0

sum m, n, d, s

label4.caption = m & "

到" & n & "


" & d & "


" & s

end sub

private sub command2_click()


end sub





public sub sum(x as integer, y as integer, z as integer, w as long)

dim i as integer '


交換if x > y then

t = x: x = y: y = t

end if

for i = x to y

if i mod z = 0 then

w = w + i

end if

next i

end sub

private sub text1_keypress(keyascii as integer)

if not isnumeric(chr(keyascii)) and keyascii <> 8 then

keyascii = 0

end if

end sub

private sub text2_keypress(keyascii as integer)

if not isnumeric(chr(keyascii)) and keyascii <> 8 then

keyascii = 0

end if

end sub

private sub text3_keypress(keyascii as integer)

if not isnumeric(chr(keyascii)) and keyascii <> 8 then

keyascii = 0

end if

end sub


private sub command1 click dim m as integer,n as integer,d asinteger dim s as long 儲存結果 m val text1.text n val text2.text d val text3.text s 0 sum m,n...

1195 判斷整除

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1195 判斷整除

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