
2021-06-07 13:51:06 字數 2165 閱讀 4873


如果你沒有安裝驅動的話,在eclipse的ddms下看到的是一串的問好,通過命令檢視顯示如下:list of devices attached

????????????    no permissions

我這裡用的系統是debian 6.0.5。


bus 008 device 001: id 1d6b:0001 linux foundation 1.1 root hub

bus 007 device 002: id 093a:2510 pixart imaging, inc. optical mouse

bus 007 device 001: id 1d6b:0001 linux foundation 1.1 root hub

bus 006 device 002: id 1c4f:0002 sigma micro 

bus 006 device 001: id 1d6b:0001 linux foundation 1.1 root hub

bus 005 device 001: id 1d6b:0001 linux foundation 1.1 root hub

bus 004 device 001: id 1d6b:0001 linux foundation 1.1 root hub

bus 003 device 005: id 413c:8160 dell computer corp. wireless 365 bluetooth

bus 003 device 004: id 413c:8162 dell computer corp. integrated touchpad [synaptics]

bus 003 device 003: id 413c:8161 dell computer corp. integrated keyboard

bus 003 device 002: id 0a5c:4500 broadcom corp. bcm2046b1 usb 2.0 hub (part of bcm2046 bluetooth)

bus 003 device 001: id 1d6b:0001 linux foundation 1.1 root hub

bus 002 device 006: id 04e8:685e samsung electronics co., ltd 

bus 002 device 001: id 1d6b:0002 linux foundation 2.0 root hub

bus 001 device 004: id 05ca:180a ricoh co., ltd 

bus 001 device 003: id 0bda:0158 realtek semiconductor corp. usb 2.0 multicard reader

bus 001 device 001: id 1d6b:0002 linux foundation 2.0 root hub

紅色的行是我的手機的。其中,id  04e8是代表samsung的手機。

二、目錄切換到/etc/udev/rules.d/下建立乙個叫50-android.rules的檔案,(50:手機,70:光碟機,好像是)。輸入命令sudo vi /etc/udev/rules.d/50-android.rules。檔案的內容如下:subsystem==」usb」, attr==」04e8″, mode=」0666″ 然後儲存

三、然後重啟udev服務,輸入命令:sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart 

四、為了確保無誤,請在此先開啟eclipse,這個eclipse android開發環境已經搭建好了的。

五、切換到android sdk的platform-tools目錄下

(1)關閉adb服務,輸入命令:sudo ./adb kill-server

(2)再開啟adb服務,輸入命令: sudo ./adb start-server

(3) 檢視當前adb手機鏈結情況,輸入命令:sudo ./adb devices  ,顯示的結果如下

root@pc:/home/tobacco/android/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools# ./adb devices

list of devices attached 


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