VB包含漢字的URL轉碼函式 包含空格,漢字

2021-06-08 20:58:41 字數 779 閱讀 8394



private function vbescape(psstring as string) as string

dim ntemp, stemp, stempchar, ntempasc

for ntemp = 1 to len(psstring)

stempchar = mid(psstring, ntemp, 1)

ntempasc = ascw(stempchar)

if (ntempasc >= 48 and ntempasc <= 57) or (ntempasc >= 65 and ntempasc <= 90) or (ntempasc >= 97 and ntempasc <= 122) or instr("@*_+-./", stempchar) > 0 then

stemp = stemp & stempchar

elseif ntempasc > 0 and ntempasc < 16 then

stemp = stemp & "%0" & hex(ntempasc)

elseif ntempasc >= 16 and ntempasc < 256 then

stemp = stemp & "%" & hex(ntempasc)


stemp = stemp & "%u" & hex(ntempasc)

end if


vbescape = stemp

end function

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