
2021-06-09 03:13:10 字數 4230 閱讀 8381





select emp.*

from emp

start with ename='jones'

connect by mgr=prior empno;

7566 jones manager 7839 02-4月 -81 2975 (null) 20

7788 scott analyst 7566 19-4月 -87 3000 (null) 20

7876 adams clerk 7788 23-5月 -87 1100 (null) 20

7902 ford analyst 7566 03-12月-81 3000 (null) 20

7369 smith clerk 7902 17-12月-80 800 (null) 20



select emp.*

from emp

start with ename='jones'

connect by prior mgr=empno;

7566 jones manager 7839 02-4月 -81 2975 (null) 20

7839 king president (null) 17-11月-81 5000 (null) 10



select emp.*

from emp

start with ename='jones'

connect by mgr=prior empno


select emp.*

from emp

start with ename='jones'

connect by prior mgr=empno;


tab_temp.id,tab_temp.fid,tab_temp.user_id,tab_temp.user_name,ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(nchr(tab_temp.neworder),','),',') neworder


( select

g_dept.id,g_dept.fid,g_dept.user_id,g_users.uname user_name,level lev,g_users.utype,

(row_number () over (partition by g_dept.fid order by g_dept.shorder)) neworder

from g_dept

inner join g_users on g_users.id=g_dept.user_id

where 1=1 and g_users.status>-1 and g_users.isnative=1

start with g_dept.fid=0

connect by prior g_dept.id=g_dept.fid

) tab_temp

where 1=1 and tab_temp.utype in(0,9)

start with tab_temp.fid=0

connect by prior tab_temp.id=tab_temp.fid

order by neworder;

select g_users.id,g_users.uname,g_dept.fid,g_dept.id,

sys_connect_by_path(g_dept.shorder,',') bb,

level lv

from (

select g_dept.id,g_dept.fid,g_dept.user_id,g_dept.ismain,

lpad(row_number() over(partition by g_dept.fid order by g_dept.shorder),3,'0') shorder

from g_dept

where 1=1

) g_dept

inner join g_users on g_users.id=g_dept.user_id

where 1=1and g_users.status>-1 and g_users.utype=0 and g_dept.ismain=1

start with g_dept.user_id in(

select tab_inner1.user_id from g_dept tab_inner1

inner join g_dept tab_inner2 on tab_inner2.id=tab_inner1.fid

where tab_inner2.user_id=(select id from g_users where utype=8 and status>-1 and isnative=1)

)connect by prior g_dept.id=g_dept.fid

order by bb;

2、sql server

把emp表的資料遷移到sql server上面來



with orgpath(empno,mgr)as(

select empno,mgr from emp where ename='jones'

union all

select emp.empno,emp.mgr

from emp

inner join orgpath on emp.empno=orgpath.mgr

)select emp.*

from emp

inner join orgpath on orgpath.empno=emp.empno;




with orgpath(empno,mgr)as(

select empno,mgr from emp where ename='jones'

union all

select emp.empno,emp.mgr

from emp

inner join orgpath on emp.mgr=orgpath.empno

)select emp.*

from emp

inner join orgpath on orgpath.empno=emp.empno;






select empno,mgr from emp where ename='jones'

union all

select emp.empno,emp.mgr

from emp

inner join temppath on emp.mgr=temppath.empno


select empno,mgr from emp where ename='jones'

union all

select emp.empno,emp.mgr

from emp

inner join orgpath on emp.empno=orgpath.mgr

)select emp.* from emp

where 1=1

and (

emp.empno in(select empno from temppath)

or emp.empno in(select empno from orgpath)





度量快速開發平台資料庫支援sqlserver資料庫,我們之前習慣的oracle遞迴查詢用的 start with dept id 1000 connect by prior dept id upper id的方式就不靈了。比如我們的組織機構裡面有很多下級機構及部門,要查詢出登入人所在的機構,並列出該...


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最近工作中用到了遞迴查詢,順便做下備忘 1.sql2005中的cte查詢 with cte aaaaa,bbbbb,ccccc as 查詢id為411321150的資料 select id as aaaaa,parent as bbbbb,name as ccccc from regioninfo ...