
2021-06-09 11:09:24 字數 660 閱讀 4443

create table `active_task` (

`role_id` int(10) unsigned not null,

`task_id` int(10) unsigned not null,

`task_index` int(10) unsigned not null,

`task_finish_count` int(10) unsigned not null default '0',

`task_status` int(10) unsigned not null default '0',

primary key (`role_id`,`task_index`) using btree

)update active_task as at1 join active_task as at2

on (at1.role_id=1 and at1.task_index = 0 and at2.role_id = 1 and at2.task_index = 1 )

or(at1.role_id=1 and at1.task_index = 1 and at2.role_id = 1 and at2.task_index = 0 )

set at1.task_id = at2.task_id, at2.task_id = at1.task_id;


insert into db exampl pid title img release id release time last edit time scene id brand id style id type describe group id is open status select pid...


1.將一張表的資料插入到另一張表中 insert into seckill hjh id,code,name,drumbeating,strat time,productid,price,amount,pay time,num once,note,statu,cause,userid,check u...

MySQL 資料庫恢復一張表中的資料

如果使用 mysqldump uroot p123 user test.sql備份了user資料庫中的所有資料,但是當前只想要恢復該資料庫的某張表資料,該怎麼處理呢?已知恢復整個資料庫可以使用命令 mysql uroot p123 user test.sql 如果只恢復某一張表 1 新建乙個資料庫 ...