開啟ev dbg的log資訊

2021-06-10 02:32:15 字數 1863 閱讀 1257


1 開啟除錯開關:

你除錯的檔案中必然包含了,或者《linux /paltforam_device.h》,後者包含了前者,在包含此標頭檔案之前,使用#define debug 1 來開啟除錯開關:例如 





#define debug    1 



#define dev_printk(level, dev, format, arg...)    \ 

printk(level "%s %s: " format , dev_driver_string(dev) , (dev)->bus_id , ## arg) 

#ifdef debug 

#define dev_dbg(dev, format, arg...)        \ 

dev_printk(kern_debug , dev , format , ## arg) 


static inline int __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3))) 

dev_dbg(struct device * dev, const char * fmt, ...) 


2 修改檔案kernel/printk檔案 

/* printk's without a loglevel use this.. */ 

#define default_message_loglevel 4 /* kern_warning */ 

/* we show everything that is more important than this.. */ 

#define minimum_console_loglevel 1 /* minimum loglevel we let people use */ 

#define default_console_loglevel 8 /* anything more serious than kern_debug */ 

其中default_console_loglevel 為終端console輸出的最低級別,比這嚴重的都將輸出。原來該值為7,則除錯資訊無法輸出,修改為8則全部有輸出。


#define    kern_emerg    "<0>"    /* system is unusable            */ 

#define    kern_alert    "<1>"    /* action must be taken immediately    */ 

#define    kern_crit    "<2>"    /* critical conditions            */ 

#define    kern_err    "<3>"    /* error conditions            */ 

#define    kern_warning    "<4>"    /* warning conditions            */ 

#define    kern_notice    "<5>"    /* normal but significant condition    */ 

#define    kern_info    "<6>"    /* informational            */ 

#define    kern_debug    "<7>"    /* debug-level messages            */ 


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