
2021-06-10 06:53:42 字數 1942 閱讀 6215


* serialized or compressed data.

* * @author dongjian


public final class transcoder

public static t decodeobject(byte b)

public static byte encodeobject(object o)

/*** decode the string with the current character set.

*/public static string decodestring(byte data)

} catch (unsupportedencodingexception e)

return rv;

} /**

* encode a string into the current character set.

*/public static byte encodestring(string in) catch (unsupportedencodingexception e)

return rv;

} /**

* get the bytes representing the given serialized object.

*/private static byte serialize(object o)

byte rv = null;

bytearrayoutputstream bos = null;

objectoutputstream os = null;

try catch (ioexception e) finally

return rv;

} /**

* get the object represented by the given serialized bytes.

*/private static object deserialize(byte in)

} catch (ioexception e) catch (classnotfoundexception e) finally

return rv;

} /**

* compress the given array of bytes.

*/private static byte compress(byte in)

bytearrayoutputstream bos = new bytearrayoutputstream();

gzipoutputstream gz = null;

try catch (ioexception e) finally

byte rv = bos.tobytearray();

log.debug("compressed " + in.length + " bytes to " + rv.length);

return rv;

} /**

* decompress the given array of bytes.

* * @return null if the bytes cannot be decompressed

*/private static byte decompress(byte in)

} catch (ioexception e) finally

} return bos == null ? null : bos.tobytearray();

} private static final class closeutil

public static void close(closeable closeable) catch (exception e)

}} }





序列化 將記憶體中的物件 資料 變成乙個位元組序。反序列化 將位元組序還原為乙個物件。那麼這個只需要此物件寫入檔案,然後完成序列化 反序列化就是將此物件的序列化重新反序列化 序列化 將記憶體中的物件 資料 變成乙個位元組序。反序列化 將位元組序還原為乙個物件。include include incl...


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