
2021-06-12 07:38:47 字數 3028 閱讀 2184


create table cfg_team(

team_id int,

team_name varchar(50),

paths varcahr(4000), --根據當前層次自動計算更新

parent_id int)



paths主要目的是查詢時可以用like,而且不需要使用 with cte遞迴。


insert into cfg_team values (1, 'a', '', 0)

insert into cfg_team values (2, 'aa', '1.2', 1)

insert into cfg_team values (3, 'ab', '1.3', 1)

insert into cfg_team values (4, 'aaa', '1.2.4', 2)

insert into cfg_team values (5, 'b', '', 0)

insert into cfg_team values (6, 'ba', '5.6', 5)

insert into cfg_team values (7, 'aaaa', '', 4)

insert into cfg_team values (8, 'aaaaa', '', 7)

insert into cfg_team values (9, 'aaaaaa', '', 8)



update cfg_team set paths = fn_team_paths(team_id)

where team_id = 3 and parent_id = 1



alter database [database]

set recursive_triggers on

goif exists (select name from sysobjects where name = 'team_insert' and type = 'tr')

drop trigger team_insert


create trigger team_insert

on cfg_team

after insert

as --插入新記錄時自動更新該記錄的paths值

update t set paths = case

when isnull(p.paths, '') = '' then ltrim(str(p.team_id)) + '.' + ltrim(str(t.team_id))

else p.paths + '.' + ltrim(str(t.team_id))


from cfg_team t, inserted i, cfg_team p

where t.team_id = i.team_id and i.parent_id = p.team_id and i.parent_id <> 0 go

if exists (select name from sysobjects where name = 'team_update' and type = 'tr')

drop trigger team_update


create trigger team_update

on cfg_team

after update

as --1、若有記錄parent_id值變更

if update(parent_id) and exists(select * from inserted)


--2、更新變更記錄的paths值(parent_id == 0)

update t set paths = ''

from cfg_team t, inserted i

where t.team_id = i.team_id and t.parent_id = 0

--3、更新變更記錄的paths值(parent_id <> 0)

update t set paths = case

when isnull(p.paths, '') = '' then ltrim(str(p.team_id)) + '.' + ltrim(str(t.team_id))

else p.paths + '.' + ltrim(str(t.team_id))


from cfg_team t, inserted i, cfg_team p

where t.team_id = i.team_id and i.parent_id = p.team_id and i.parent_id <> 0


update t set t.parent_id = t.parent_id

from cfg_team t, inserted i

where t.parent_id = i.team_id


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