
2021-06-12 13:17:30 字數 1770 閱讀 9950

u16 mmi_sms_char_towupper(u16 wchar)

else if (wchar == 0x0103 || wchar == 0x01a1 || wchar == 0x01b0 || wchar == 0x0188 || wchar == 0x018c || wchar == 0x0192 ||

wchar == 0x01ac || wchar == 0x01b9 || wchar == 0x01f3)

else if (wchar >= 0x0450 && wchar <= 0x045f)

else if (wchar == 0x0491)

else if (wchar >= 0x0100 && wchar <= 0x0137 || wchar >= 0x0182 && wchar <= 0x0185 ||

wchar >= 0x0198 && wchar <= 0x01a5 || wchar >= 0x01de && wchar <= 0x01ef ||

wchar >= 0x01f8 && wchar <= 0x01ff || wchar >= 0x0222 && wchar <= 0x0233)

else if (wchar >= 0x0139 && wchar <= 0x0148 || wchar >= 0x014a && wchar <=0x0177 || wchar >= 0x0179 && wchar <=0x017e ||

wchar >= 0x01b3 && wchar <= 0x01b6 || wchar >= 0x02cd && wchar <= 0x01dc)


}s32 mmi_sms_compare_chars(u16 char1, u16 char2)

/* no match */

return char1 - char2;

}void mmi_sms_compare_ucs2_strings(s8 *string1, s8 *string2, u8 *same_count, s32 *distance)


for (i = 0; i < max_len && i < 60; i++) /* use max phonebook strlen as upper bound */

/* for (i = 0; i < max_len; i++) */

/* first and second is congruence */

else if (len1 == len2)

/* len1 < len2: first is less than second */


//if (min_len == 0)

// *distance = - *distance;


}/* first, compare from 0 to min_len */


/* first and second is not equal, return distance */


}char *mmi_ucs2ncpy(char *strdestination, const char *strsource, u32 size)

pbool smsgetnewmsgcontent(const s8 * sms_data)

smscontent = (u8 *)sms_data;

for( ;i < sms_str_len; i++ ) }

return false;


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