關於查詢方法 Find方法 的應用示例

2021-06-15 20:56:03 字數 3937 閱讀 1814



sub find_first()

dim findstring as string

dim rng as range

findstring = inputbox("請輸入要查詢的值:")

if trim(findstring) <> "" then

with sheets("sheet1").range("a:a")

set rng = .find(what:=findstring, _

after:=.cells(.cells.count), _

lookin:=xlvalues, _

lookat:=xlwhole, _

searchorder:=xlbyrows, _

searchdirection:=xlnext, _


if not rng is nothing then


msgbox "沒有找到!"

end if

end with

end if

end sub


sub find_last()

dim findstring as string

dim rng as range

findstring = inputbox("請輸入要查詢的值")

if trim(findstring) <> "" then

with sheets("sheet1").range("a:a")

set rng = .find(what:=findstring, _

after:=.cells(1), _

lookin:=xlvalues, _

lookat:=xlwhole, _

searchorder:=xlbyrows, _

searchdirection:=xlprevious, _


if not rng is nothing then


msgbox "nothing found"

end if

end with

end if



sub find_todays_date()

dim findstring as date

dim rng as range

findstring = date

with sheets("sheet1").range("a:a")

set rng = .find(what:=findstring, _

after:=.cells(.cells.count), _

lookin:=xlformulas, _

lookat:=xlwhole, _

searchorder:=xlbyrows, _

searchdirection:=xlnext, _


if not rng is nothing then


msgbox "沒有找到!"

end if

end with

end sub



sub mark_cells_in_column()

dim firstaddress as string

dim myarr as variant

dim rng as range

dim i as long

myarr = array("vba")


'myarr = array("vba", "vsto")

with sheets("sheet2").range("a:a")

.offset(0, 1).clearcontents


for i = lbound(myarr) to ubound(myarr)

set rng = .find(what:=myarr(i), _

after:=.cells(.cells.count), _

lookin:=xlformulas, _

lookat:=xlwhole, _

searchorder:=xlbyrows, _

searchdirection:=xlnext, _





sub color_cells_in_range()

dim firstaddress as string

dim mysearch as variant

dim mycolor as variant

dim rng as range

dim i as long

mysearch = array("vba")

mycolor = array("3")


'mysearch = array("vba", "hello", "ok")

'mycolor = array("3", "6", "10")

with sheets("sheet3").range("a1:c4")


.interior.colorindex = xlcolorindexnone

for i = lbound(mysearch) to ubound(mysearch)

set rng = .find(what:=mysearch(i), _

after:=.cells(.cells.count), _

lookin:=xlformulas, _

lookat:=xlwhole, _

searchorder:=xlbyrows, _

searchdirection:=xlnext, _




if not rng is nothing then

firstaddress = rng.address

dorng.interior.colorindex = mycolor(i)

set rng = .findnext(rng)

loop while not rng is nothing and rng.address <> firstaddress

end if

next i

end with

end sub






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