PHP curl POST 獲取返回整個頁面值

2021-06-16 05:00:04 字數 1349 閱讀 2609

使用php的curl可以實現支援ftp、ftps、http htpps scp sftp tftp telnet dict file和ldap。curl 支援ssl證書、http post、http put 、ftp 上傳,kerberos、基於htt格式的上傳、**、cookie、使用者+口令證明、檔案傳送恢復、http**通道就最常用的來說,是基於http的get和post方法。



$ch = curl_init("

/") ;

curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_returntransfer, true) ;

curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_binarytransfer, true) ;

$output = curl_exec($ch) ;

$fh = fopen("out.html", 'w') ;

fwrite($fh, $output) ;

fclose($fh) ;


//extract data from the post

extract($_post) ; 

//set post variables

$url = '' ;

$fields = array(

'bill_id' => urlencode('201002420268'),

'hname' => urlencode('hvalue')


//url-ify the data for the post

$fields_string ='';

foreach($fields as $key=>$value)

rtrim($fields_string ,'&') ;

//open connection

$ch = curl_init() ;

//set the url, number of post vars, post data

$url =  $url.rtrim($fields_string ,'&') ;

curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_url,$url) ;

curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_post,count($fields)) ;

curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_postfields,$fields_string) ;

//execute post

$result = curl_exec($ch) ;


//close connection

curl_close($ch) ;

PHP curl POST 請求的問題

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