
2021-06-16 05:24:58 字數 1581 閱讀 4557



declare @clearpwd varchar(255)

declare @encryptedpwd varbinary(255)

select @clearpwd = 'test'

select @encryptedpwd = convert(varbinary(255), pwdencrypt(@clearpwd))

select @encryptedpwd

declare @clearpwd varchar(255)

declare @encryptedpwd varbinary(255)

select @clearpwd = 'test'

select @encryptedpwd = convert(varbinary(255), pwdencrypt(@clearpwd))

select pwdcompare(@clearpwd, @encryptedpwd, 0)

select pwdcompare('errorpassword', @encryptedpwd, 0)


select a.el_no as el_ono,a.cu_no,b.el_no

into vcuno_1

from vcuno a join ieel09h b on a.el_no=b.el_ono

select identity(int, 1,1) as ad_seq,a.el_no,b.cu_no

into vcuno_2

from ieel00h a join

(select a.*,b.bom_no

from vcuno_1 a join ieel00h b on a.el_no=b.el_no) b on a.bom_no=b.bom_no

insert into ieqc07d1 (ad_seq,el_no,su_no,su_no1)

select right(ad_seq+10000,4),el_no,cu_no,cu_no from vcuno_2


select su_no, el_no,el_price from iesu04d4 a(nolock)

where not exists (select 1 from iesu04d4 (nolock) where el_no=a.el_no and el_price把表中的一列資料變成一行

declare @sql varchar(2000)

set @sql = ''

select @sql = @sql + ',' + name from syscolumns where id = object_id('iepb99h') and name <> 'ie_user'

select @sql

select @sql= stuff(@sql,1,1,'')

print('select '+@sql+' from 表名')


select * from iepb99h order by er_remk collate chinese_prc_stroke_ci_as


一。在oracle中建表,怎麼實現id自動編號 1 建表 create table code test id int,name varchar2 20 2.建立序列 create sequence s country id increment by 1 start with 1 maxvalue 9...


case when xx then yy else zz 例 case when count is null then 0 else count 當count為空的時候賦值0,不為空則取原值 isnull express1,express2 例 isnull count,0 當count為空的時候則...

一些sql 語句

1.行列轉換 普通 假設有張學生成績表 cj 如下 name subject result 張三 語文 80 張三 數學 90 張三 物理 85 李四 語文 85 李四 數學 92 李四 物理 82 想變成 姓名 語文 數學 物理 張三 80 90 85 李四 85 92 82 declare sq...