
2021-06-16 07:06:42 字數 1153 閱讀 7408

create user myuser identified by mypassword default tablespace users;

/**請輸入使用者名稱: myuser



ora-01045: user myuser lacks create session privilege; logon denied


*/grant create session to myuser;--分配連線許可權後使用者myuser可以正常使用pl/sql

grant create table to myuser;--給使用者myuser分配建立表的許可權

alter user myuser quota 100m on users;--給使用者myuser分配users表空間

grant create session to myuser with amdin option;--使用者myuser可以將自己的許可權往下分

grant create session,create table to myuser;--一次分配多個許可權

revoke create session,create table from myuser;--**使用者許可權,使用with admin option 會因傳播者許可權變更失效

--物件許可權 grant op_type on object_name to user;

grant select,insert,update,delete,execute,index,references,alter on emp to myuser;

grant all on emp to myuser;

grant select on emp to myuser with grant option;

revoke update,insert on emp from myuser;


create role myrole;

grant select,update to myrole;

grant myrole to to myuser;


grant rolea to roleb;

--roleb 繼承rolea


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