
2021-06-16 08:19:47 字數 1569 閱讀 3765


select * from tablename where datepart(dd, thedate) = datepart(dd, getdate()) and datepart(mm, thedate) = datepart(mm, getdate()) and datepart(yy, thedate) = datepart(yy, getdate())


select * from tablename where datepart(mm, thedate) = datepart(mm, getdate()) and datepart(yy, thedate) = datepart(yy, getdate())


select * from tablename where datepart(wk, thedate) = datepart(wk, getdate()) and datepart(yy, thedate) = datepart(yy, getdate())


select * from tablename where datepart(qq, thedate) = datepart(qq, getdate()) and datepart(yy, thedate) = datepart(yy, getdate())

查詢 n 天前的記錄

select * from tablename where datediff(day,thedate,getdate())=n

查詢 n 年前的記錄

select * from tablename where datediff(year,thedate,getdate())=n

查詢 n 月前的記錄

select * from tablename where datediff(month,thedate,getdate())=n






datepart 函式說明

日期部分 縮寫

year yy, yyyy

quarter qq, q

month mm, m

dayofyear dy, y

day dd, d

week wk, ww

weekday dw

hour hh

minute mi, n

second ss, s

millisecond ms

datediff 函式說明

日期部分 縮寫

year yy, yyyy

quarter qq, q

month mm, m

dayofyear dy, y

day dd, d

week wk, ww

hour hh

minute mi, n

second ss, s

millisecond ms


1.sql查詢今天的資料 比如今日新增 datediff 函式返回兩個日期之間的時間。select from customer where datediff now create time 0 2.查詢昨天的資料 select from customer where datediff now cre...


sql查詢日期 今天的所有資料 select from 表名 where datediff dd,datetime型別字段,getdate 0 昨天的所有資料 select from 表名 where datediff dd,datetime型別字段,getdate 1 7天內的所有資料 selec...

sql查詢 日期格式

使用convert函式轉換 convert varchar 10 欄位名,轉換格式 比如 select user id,convert varchar 10 date,11 as date from tb user 轉換格式 0或100 month dd yyyy hh miampm 1 mm dd...