
2021-06-16 22:55:05 字數 1986 閱讀 5566



-n              don't daemonize

-s              don't log to syslog

-i iface        inte***ce

-f/-f           treat link detection error as link down/link up

(otherwise exit on error)

-a              don't up inte***ce at each link probe

-m              monitor creation/destruction of inte***ce

(otherwise it must exist)

-r prog         script to run

-x arg          extra argument for script

-i              don't exit on nonzero exit code from script

-p              don't run script on daemon startup

-q              don't run script on daemon quit

-l              run script on startup even if no cable is detected

-t secs         poll time in seconds

-u secs         delay before running script after link up

-d secs         delay after link down

-m mode         api mode (mii, priv, ethtool, wlan, iff, auto)

-k              kill running daemon

系統起來後執行ifplugd -ni -i eth0 -r /etc/network/if.sh會在當前shell啟動ifplugd並檢測網口狀態

# ifplugd -ni -i eth0 -r /etc/network/if.sh

ifplugd(eth0): started: busybox v1.16.1 (2011-01-28 11:42:48 hkt)

ifplugd(eth0): using siocethtool detection mode

ifplugd(eth0): link is up

ifplugd(eth0): executing '/etc/network/if.sh eth0 up'

ifplugd(eth0): exit code: 0

gmac:eth0: link is down

ifplugd(eth0): link is down

ifplugd(eth0): executing '/etc/network/if.sh eth0 down'

ifplugd(eth0): exit code: 0

gmac:eth0 : link is up

ifplugd(eth0): link is up

ifplugd(eth0): executing '/etc/network/if.sh eth0 up'

ifplugd(eth0): exit code: 0


本文出自 「葉落花開」 部落格,請務必保留此出處



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