如何用SQL Server來自動傳送郵件

2021-06-18 02:23:43 字數 3934 閱讀 2332

前提: sql server所在的主機必須能上網……

如果有什麼意外發不出去, 請先檢查用 foxmail 客戶端軟體能不能發出去。

1. 準備乙個允許 'smtp'  郵件協議的郵箱, 163或者qq郵箱等都可以。 


2. 在 sql server 中設定:

先在  msdb 庫中開啟 broke 選項:

select d.is_broker_enabled from sys.databases d where d.name='msdb'

--alter database msdb set new_broker with rollback immediate

alter database msdb set enable_broker

--1. 開啟高階配置

exec sp_configure 'show advanced options',1

reconfigure with override

goexec sp_configure 'database mail xps',1

reconfigure with override

go--2. 建立郵件帳戶資訊

declare @account_id int,@account_name nvarchar(128)

set @account_name = 'errormailaccount'

select @account_id = account_id from msdb..sysmail_account where name=@account_name

if (@account_id is not null)


exec msdb..sysmail_delete_account_sp @account_id, @account_name

endexec msdb..sysmail_add_account_sp

@account_name = @account_name, -- 郵件帳戶名稱

@email_address = '***[email protected]', -- 發件人郵件位址

@display_name = '系統管理員', -- 發件人姓名

@replyto_address = null,

@description = null,

@mailserver_name = 'smtp.qq.com', -- 郵件伺服器位址

@mailserver_type = 'smtp', -- 郵件協議

@port = 25, -- 郵件伺服器端口

@username = '***[email protected]', -- 使用者名稱

@password = '???', -- 密碼

@use_default_credentials = 0,

@enable_ssl = 0,

@account_id = null


if exists(

select 1

from msdb..sysmail_profile

where name = n'erroremailprofile'


print '存在,先刪除'

exec msdb..sysmail_delete_profile_sp @profile_name = 'erroremailprofile'

endexec msdb..sysmail_add_profile_sp

@profile_name = 'erroremailprofile', -- profile 名稱

@description = '資料庫郵件配置檔案', -- profile 描述

@profile_id = null


exec msdb..sysmail_add_profileaccount_sp

@profile_name = 'erroremailprofile', -- profile 名稱

@account_name = 'errormailaccount', -- account 名稱

@sequence_number = 1 -- account 在 profile 中順序


exec msdb..sp_send_dbmail

@profile_name = 'erroremailprofile',

@recipients = '***[email protected]', --收件人

@subject = 'test title this is test ',

@body = n'z中文郵件內容 中文郵件內容'



select * from msdb..sysmail_account


select * from msdb..[sysmail_profile]


exec msdb.dbo.sysmail_help_status_sp;


exec msdb.dbo.sysmail_start_sp;



--請使用 sysmail_stop_sp 嘗試停止佇列,然後再使用 sysmail_start_sp 啟動佇列。

exec msdb.dbo.sysmail_help_queue_sp @queue_type = 'mail';


select top 5 m.mailitem_id


,p.name as profilename

,g.description as [log_desc]--郵件傳送有異常,這裡會有顯示


,case sent_status when 1 then 'successed' else 'failed' end as sent_status_desc





from msdb..[sysmail_mailitems] as m

left join msdb..sysmail_profile as p on m.profile_id=p.profile_id

left join msdb..sysmail_log g on m.mailitem_id = g.mailitem_id

order by mailitem_id desc


declare @deletebeforedate datetime

select @deletebeforedate = dateadd(d,-30, getdate())

exec msdb..sysmail_delete_mailitems_sp @sent_before = @deletebeforedate

exec msdb..sysmail_delete_log_sp @logged_before = @deletebeforedate

sql server資料庫郵件清除程式


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