
2021-06-18 14:50:55 字數 3919 閱讀 6525



dim strname(2) as string

dim strrelation(2) as string

for index = 0 to 2


select case comboname(index).text

case "卡號"

strname(index) = "cardno"

case "學號"

strname(index) = "studentno"

case "姓名"

strname(index) = "studentname"

case "性別"

strname(index) = "***"

case "系別"

strname(index) = "department"

case "年級"

strname(index) = "grade"

case "班號"

strname(index) = "class"

end select

select case comborelation(index).text

case "與"

strrelation(index) = "and"

case "或"

strrelation(index) = "or"

end select


dim dd(2) as boolean

private sub cmdcheck_click()


if testtxt(comboname(0).text) = true then '判斷第乙個條件是否被使用

if testtxt(combosign(0).text) = true then

if testtxt(txtcontent1.text) = true then

dd(0) = true '標記第乙個條件

end if

end if

end if

if testtxt(comboname(1).text) = true then '判斷第二個條件是否被使用

if testtxt(combosign(1).text) = true then

if testtxt(txtcontent2.text) = true then

dd(1) = true

end if

end if

end if

if testtxt(comboname(2).text) = true then '判斷第三個條件是否被使用

if testtxt(combosign(2).text) = true then

if testtxt(txtcontent3.text) = true then

dd(2) = true

end if

end if

end if

if dd(0) = true then '首先判斷第乙個條件是否被選中,如果被選中,則補充完整查詢限制條件 txtsql = txtsql & " " & strname(0) & " " & combosign(0).text & " " & txtcontent1.text & " " end if '(條件1) if dd(1) = true then '判斷第二個條件是否被選中 if dd(0) = true then ' 再判斷第乙個條件是否被選中 txtsql = txtsql & " " & strrelation(0) & " " & strname(1) & " " & combosign(1).text & " " & txtcontent2.text & " " else '(條件2,1) txtsql = txtsql & " " & strname(1) & " " & combosign(1).text & " " & txtcontent1.text & " " end if '(條件2) if dd(2) = true then '判斷第三個條件是否被選中 if dd(0) = true or dd(1) = true then '判斷前兩個條件是否被選中 txtsql = txtsql & " " & strrelation(1) & " " & strname(2) & " " & combosign(2).text & " " & txtcontent3.text & " " else '(條件3,1) 或 (條件3,2) 或 (條件3,2,1) txtsql = txtsql & " " & strname(2) & " " & combosign(2).text & " " & txtcontent3.text & " " end if '條件(3) end if
if dd(0) = false and dd(1) = false and dd(2) = false then     '判斷是否選擇查詢條件

msgbox "您還沒有完整的選擇乙個查詢條件,請選擇查詢條件。", vbokonly + vbexclamation, "提示"

exit sub


end if

set mrc = executesql(txtsql, msgtext)

if mrc.eof = true then

msgbox "沒有找到相關記錄,請重新輸入查詢條件。", vbokonly + vbexclamation, "提示"

exit sub


with msflexgrid '將查詢到的資料寫到表中

for i = 0 to mrc.recordcount - 1

.rows = .rows + 1

.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 0) = mrc.fields(0)

.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 1) = mrc.fields(1)

.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 2) = mrc.fields(2)

.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 3) = mrc.fields(3)

.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 4) = mrc.fields(4)

.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 5) = mrc.fields(5)

.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 6) = mrc.fields(6)


end with

end if


end sub




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