
2021-06-19 13:56:18 字數 1384 閱讀 5136


--connect sys/password as sysdba


drop tablespace pt6 including contents;

drop tablespace mpm including contents;

drop tablespace oms including contents;

--當首次匯入時建立表空間 (執行指令碼時會提示輸入 &1 輸入資料檔案希望存放的實體地址 例如 d:\oracledata)

create tablespace pt6 datafile 'f:\oracle_data\omsadj\pt6.dbf' size 100m autoextend on next 10m;

create tablespace mpm datafile 'f:\oracle_data\omsadj\mpm.dbf' size 100m autoextend on next 10m;

create tablespace oms datafile 'f:\oracle_data\omsadj\oms.dbf' size 100m autoextend on next 10m;


drop user pt6 cascade;

drop user mpm cascade;

drop user oms cascade;


create user pt6 identified by cape default tablespace pt6;

create user mpm identified by cape default tablespace mpm;

create user oms identified by cape default tablespace oms;


grant dba to pt6;

grant dba to mpm;

grant dba to oms;

grant all on dual to pt6 with grant option;

grant all on dual to oms with grant option;

grant all on dual to mpm with grant option;

expdp pt6/cape@mpmoms dumpfile=mpmoms20131122.expdb logfile=mpmoms20131122.log schemas=(pt6,mpm,oms)

impdp pt6/[email protected]:1521/mpmoms dumpfile=mpmoms20131029_dkbk.expdb schemas=(pt6,mpm,oms)


oracle資料庫匯入匯出 資料幫浦

1.匯出資料庫 參考 為 按照命令的形式 1.執行以下命令 sqlplus system 密碼 2.建立資料匯出目錄expnc dir為目錄名,e ncdatabak 為資料庫實際目錄,命令如下 create directory expnc dir as f spexpdp 3.為oracle使用者...


檢視目錄 dba賬號下操作 select from dba directories 匯出expdp指令碼 vim exp honesty 201809211642.par 編輯生成匯出的par指令碼新增以下指令碼內容 userid as sysdba directory dmpback dumpfi...

資料庫幫浦(expdp impdp)匯入匯出流程

一 資料庫的匯出 expdp 建立預設匯出目錄 sql create directory dirname as dirpath 賦予指定使用者在此目錄的讀寫許可權 sql grant read,write on directory dirname to dbuser 使用expdp匯出資料庫 匯出完...