oracle 如何匯出資料字典

2021-06-20 13:23:29 字數 3591 閱讀 3277

-- 查詢某錶的資料字典

select  a.table_name as "表名",a.column_name as "欄位名",


a.data_type||'('||a.char_length||')') as "字段型別1",a.data_type as "字段型別",a.data_precision as "有效位",a.data_scale as "精度值",

a.char_length as "字段長度",a.nullable as "能否為空"

from sys.user_tab_columns a where a.table_name = 'tam_address'

--  具有dba許可權使用者匯出資料字典

select  a.table_name as "表名",a.column_name as "欄位名",


a.data_type||'('||a.char_length||')') as "字段型別",a.data_default as "預設值",

a.nullable as "能否為空",b.comments as "備註"

from sys.all_tab_columns a,sys.dba_col_comments b

where a.owner=b.owner and a.table_name=b.table_name  and a.column_name=b.column_name and a.owner='guoqiang'  and

a.table_name in (

'tb_subject', 'tb_subject_balance', 'tb_voucher', 'tb_voucher_details', 

'tb_customer', 'tb_voucher_classify_mode', 'tb_voucher_type', 'tb_asset', 

'tb_asset_catalog', 'tb_m_dm_assets_liabi_rpt', 'tb_m_dm_profit_rpt', 

'tb_m_dm_revenue_rpt', 'tb_m_dm_cost_rpt'

)order by a.table_name


select  a.table_name as "表名",a.column_name as "欄位名",


a.data_type||'('||a.char_length||')') as "字段型別",a.data_default as "預設值",

a.nullable as "能否為空",b.comments as "備註"

from sys.user_tab_columns a,sys.user_col_comments b

where a.table_name=b.table_name  and a.column_name=b.column_name and

a.table_name in (

'tb_subject', 'tb_subject_balance', 'tb_voucher', 'tb_voucher_details', 

'tb_customer', 'tb_voucher_classify_mode', 'tb_voucher_type', 'tb_asset', 

'tb_asset_catalog', 'tb_m_dm_assets_liabi_rpt', 'tb_m_dm_profit_rpt', 

'tb_m_dm_revenue_rpt', 'tb_m_dm_cost_rpt'

)order by a.table_name


select col.table_name,

--col.column_id as colorder,


col.column_name as columnname,


when pkcol.column_position > 0 then


''end as ispk,

col.data_type as typename,

--decode(col.data_type, 'number', col.data_precision, col.data_length) as length,

col.data_length    占用位元組數,

col.data_precision as preci,

col.data_scale     as scale,


when col.nullable = 'y' then


''end as cisnull,

-- '' as isidentity,

col.data_default as defaultval,

ccom.comments    as detext /*,

col.num_distinct as num_distinct*/

from user_tab_columns col,

user_col_comments ccom,

(select aa.table_name,




from user_ind_columns aa, user_constraints bb

where bb.constraint_type = 'p'

and aa.table_name = bb.table_name

and aa.index_name = bb.constraint_name

/*and aa.table_name in ('aa')*/

) pkcol,

user_tab_comments tt

where col.table_name = ccom.table_name

and col.column_name = ccom.column_name

and col.table_name = tt.table_name(+)

-- and col.table_name = 'aa'

and col.column_name = pkcol.column_name(+)

and col.table_name = pkcol.table_name(+)

order by col.table_name,col.column_id

oracle 如何匯出資料字典

查詢某錶的資料字典 select a.table name as 表名 a.column name as 欄位名 decode a.char length,0,decode scale,null, type, type precision a.da...

Oracle使用之 匯出資料字典

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