python join字元連線函式的使用方法

2021-06-20 18:26:26 字數 1572 閱讀 9206

string模組的join方法,因此它需要兩個引數,乙個是list,另乙個是分隔符。而且呼叫時正如cnxo所示,如果你匯入了 string模組:

import string





print ''.join(list('hello'))


word1 = "a"

word2 = "few"

word3 = "good"

word4 = "words"

wordlist = ["a", "few", "more", "good", "words"]

print "words:" + word1 + word2 + word3 + word4

print "list: " + ' '.join(wordlist)


word1 = "a"

word2 = "few"

word3 = "good"

word4 = "words"

wordlist = ["a", "few", "more", "good", "words"]

#joining a list of words

sentence = "second:"

for word in wordlist:

sentence += " " + word

sentence += "."

print sentence


# splitting strings

string1 = "a, b, c, d, e, f"

print "string is:", string1

print "split string by spaces:", string1.split()

print "split string by commas:", string1.split( "," )

print "split string by commas, max 2:", string1.split( ",", 2 )


# joining strings

list1 =  [ "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f" ]

string2 = "___"

print "list is:", list1

print 'joining with "%s": %s' 

% ( string2, string2.join ( list1 ) )

print 'joining with "-.-":', "-.-".join( list1 )


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