RFC3261 python原始碼分析 2

2021-06-21 07:38:18 字數 2248 閱讀 7186

#----------------------- header and message -------------------------------

_quote = lambda s: '"' + s + '"' if s[0] != '"' != s[-1] else s

_unquote = lambda s: s[1:-1] if s[0] == '"' == s[-1] else s

這兩個lambda函式用來加上和去除引號。 python支援用lambda定義單行函式,該函式物件又可以賦值給變數。

# various header types: standard (default), address, comma and unstructured

_address = ['contact', 'from', 'record-route', 'refer-to', 'referred-by', 'route', 'to']

_comma = ['authorization', 'proxy-authenticate', 'proxy-authorization', 'www-authenticate']

_unstructured = ['call-id', 'cseq', 'date', 'expires', 'max-forwards', 'organization', 'server', 'subject', 'timestamp', 'user-agent']

# short form of header names

_short = ['allow-events', 'u', 'call-id', 'i', 'contact', 'm', 'content-encoding', 'e', 'content-length', 'l', 'content-type', 'c', 'event', 'o', 'from', 'f', 'subject', 's', 'supported', 'k', 'to', 't', 'via', 'v']

# exception for canonicalization of header names

_exception =

#_canon = lambda s: '-'.join([x.capitalize() for x in s.split('-')]) if s.lower() not in ['cseq','call-id','www-authenticate'] else [s.lower()]


def _canon(s):

'''return the canonical form of the header.

>>> print _canon('call-id'), _canon('from'), _canon('refer-to')

call-id from refer-to

'''s = s.lower()

return ((len(s)==1) and s in _short and _canon(_short[_short.index(s)-1])) \

or (s in _exception and _exception[s]) or '-'.join([x.capitalize() for x in s.split('-')])



>>> _canon('u')


((len(s)==1) and s in _short and _canon(_short[_short.index(s)-1]))

>>> _canon('call-id')


s in _exception and _exception[s]

>>> _canon('hello-world')


>>> _canon('abc')


>>> _canon("a-b-c")


'-'.join([x.capitalize() for x in s.split('-')])

python 執行緒池 python執行緒池原始碼解析



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