機房收費系統 組合查詢

2021-06-21 10:10:11 字數 3404 閱讀 4265



dim txtsql as string

dim msgtext as string

dim mrc as adodb.recordset

private sub cmdexit_click()

unload me

end sub


private sub cmdquery_click()

for i = 0 to 2 '欄位名的新增

with cmbzdm(i)

.additem "卡號", 0

.additem "姓名", 1

.additem "上機日期", 2

.additem "上機時間", 3

.additem "機房號", 4


select case index

case 0

changezdm(i) = "cardno"

case 1

changezdm(i) = "studentname"

case 2

changezdm(i) = "ondate"

case 3

changezdm(i) = "ontime"

case 4

changezdm(i) = "computer"

end select

end with

with cmbczf(i) '操作符的新增、這些欄位在資料庫中也是通用的,所以可以不用轉換

.additem "=", 0

.additem ">", 1

.additem "

.additem "<>", 3

end with

next i

for j = 0 to 1 '需要將介面中的文字轉換為資料庫中可識別的字段

with cmbzhgx(j)

.additem "或", 0

.additem "與", 1

select case index

case 0

changegx(j) = "or"

case 1

changegx(j) = "and"

end select

end with

next j



if testtxt(cmbzdm(0).text) then

msgbox "請輸入要查詢的內容!", vbokonly + vbinformation, "提示!"


end if


if cmbzhgx(0) = "" and cmbzhgx(1) = "" then

txtsql = "select cardno .studentno,ondate,ontime,computer from online_info where " & cmbzdm(0).text & _

cmbczf(0).text & "'" & trim(txtcxnr(0)) & "'"

set mrc = executesql(txtsql, msgtesxt)

else '若有兩個查詢條件(此時用if巢狀語句會有效減少**量)

if cmbzhgx(0) <> "" and cmbzhgx(1) = "" then


if testtxt(cmbzdm(1)) then msgbox "請輸入要查詢的內容!", vbokonly + vbinformation, "提示!" and cmbzdm(1).setfocus '判斷查詢條件是否為空

txtsql = txtsql & cmbzdm(1).text & cmbczf(1).text & " & trim(txtcxnr(1)) & "

else '若有三個查詢條件

if cmbzhgx(0) <> "" and cmbzhgx(1) <> "" then


if testtxt(cmbzdm(2)) then msgbox "請輸入要查詢的內容!", vbokonly + vbinformation, "提示!" and cmbzdm(2).setfocus

txtsql = txtsql and cmbzdm(2).text & cmbczf(2).text & "& trim(txtcxnr(2)) &"

else '若組合關係越級選擇則給出提示

if cmbzhgx(0) = "" and cmbzhgx(1) <> "" then

msgbox "請選擇上乙個組合關係之後再繼續", vbokonly + vbinformation, "提示!"


end if

end if

end if

end if


mshf.rows = mrc.recordcount + 1

with mshf

while mrc.eof = false

.rows = .rows + 1

.textmatrix(.row - 1, 0) = mrc!cardno

.textmatrix(.row - 1, 1) = mrc!studentname

.textmatrix(.row - 1, 2) = mrc!ondate

.textmatrix(.row - 1, 3) = mrc!ontime

.textmatrix(.row - 1, 4) = mrc!computer



end with


end sub

private sub form_load()

with mshf

.rows = 2

.cols = 5

.cellalignment = 4

.textmatrix(1, 0) = "卡號"

.textmatrix(1, 1) = "姓名"

.textmatrix(1, 2) = "上機日期"

.textmatrix(1, 3) = "上機時間"

.textmatrix(1, 4) = "機房號"

end with

end sub

機房收費系統 組合查詢

機房收費系統在磕磕絆絆中過來了,這期間遇到問題,解決問題,最後收穫的特別多,在敲得過程中,不斷的學習新知識,應該說組合查詢是收費系統的乙個小難點了吧,起初我是真的不知道該從 下手,總是有種剪不斷理還亂的感覺,分析分析就繞進去了,我總是把問題想的很複雜,其實只要一句 語句,一切都解決了,根本用不到好多...

機房收費系統 組合查詢


機房收費系統 組合查詢

細節優化 查詢語句 txtsql select from line info where 判斷第一行資訊是否填寫完整 if trim combo1 0 text or trim combo2 0 text or trim a then msgbox 請填寫第一行資訊 vbokonly,提示 end ...