VBA Excel 提取有用的列並作列排序

2021-06-22 17:19:55 字數 2492 閱讀 8485

stdata 資料檔案,rngconfig  配置檔案

public function run(byref stdata as worksheet, byref rngconfig as range) as worksheet

'on error goto proc_err

dim r_config as integer, str_columnname as string

dim stnew as worksheet

'stdata.copy after:=stdata


stdata.parent.sheets.add after:=stdata

set stnew = activesheet

stnew.name = rngconfig.worksheet.name

dim col as range, errmsg as string, c_new as integer

c_new = 0

for r_config = 2 to rngconfig.rows.count

str_columnname = rngconfig.cells(r_config, 1)

if str_columnname <> "" then

'msgbox str_columnname

call myfun.getcolumnbyname(stdata, 1, str_columnname, col, errmsg, false)


c_new = c_new + 1


stnew.cells(1, c_new).select


end if

next r_config

exit function

end function

rem 根據關鍵字,定位行

public function getrow(sheet as worksheet, tag as string, optional beginrow as long = 1) as long

dim r as long

with sheet.usedrange

for r = beginrow to .rows.count

if .cells(r, 1).value = tag then

getrow = r

exit function

end if


end with

getrow = 0

end function

rem 根據關鍵字,定位列

public function getcolumn(opsheet as worksheet, headerrow as long, tag as string) as integer

dim c as integer

dim msg as string

with opsheet

for c = 1 to .usedrange.columns.count

if .cells(headerrow, c) = tag then

getcolumn = c

exit function

end if


end with

getcolumn = 0

end function

rem 根據關鍵字,定位並返回列

public function getcolumnbyname(opsheet as worksheet, headerrow as long, tag as string, returncolumn as range, optional byref errmessage as string, optional showerrmsg as boolean = false) as boolean

getcolumnbyname = false

dim c as integer

c = getcolumn(opsheet, headerrow, tag)

if (c = 0) then

' showerrmsg = true

errmessage = "不能在底表[" & opsheet.name & "]中定位列[" & tag & "],請檢視該檔案的格式是否正確!"

if (showerrmsg) then

msgbox errmessage, vbinformation, "提示"

end if

exit function


set returncolumn = opsheet.columns(c)

end if

getcolumnbyname = true

end function

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