POJ 3080 Blue Jeans 三種暴力法

2021-06-23 01:28:23 字數 2246 閱讀 9045


本題最暴力直接使用strstr過。 這裡使用hash表的方法過,這種方法好像有個學名的,主要思路就是把乙個需要查詢的字串賦予乙個數值,那麼就可以把一串字串的比較轉換為乙個值的比較了,那麼就可以加速字串的查詢了。

#include #include #include const long long mod = (int)(1e9+7);//如果增加mod的話,會有很大機率出錯的,本題就不能增加mod,否則一直wa,不使用mod就馬上ac了

const int max_n = 61;

const int max_m = 11;

const int alp_len = 4;

const int significant = 3;

const char *inttochar = "atgc";

short chartoint[256];

char dict[max_m][max_n];

char substr[max_n];

long long finger;

bool searchfinger(char *txt, int l, int len)

if (f == finger) return true;

for (int j = 0; i < len; j++, i++)

return false;

}int main()

int len = max_n - 1;

int maxlen = 0;

char res[max_n] = ;

for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)//search every start position

if (j != n) break;//break to the next start position

if (l > maxlen || (l==maxlen && strcmp(res, substr)>0))

}} if (maxlen < significant)


}return 0;



#include #include #include const int max_n = 61;

const int max_m = 11;

const int alp_len = 4;

const int significant = 3;

char dict[max_m][max_n];

char substr[max_n];

int main()

int len = max_n - 1;

int maxlen = 0;

char res[max_n] = ;

for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)//search every start position

if (j != n) break;//break to the next start position

if (l > maxlen || (l==maxlen && strcmp(res, substr)>0))

}} if (maxlen < significant)


}return 0;



const int max_n = 61;

const int max_m = 11;

const int alp_len = 4;

const int significant = 3;

char dict[max_m][max_n];

char substr[max_n];

int main()

int len = max_n - 1;

int maxlen = 0;

char res[max_n];

for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)//search every start position

if (j == n)

break; //break to the next start position}}

} if (maxlen < significant)


}return 0;


poj解題報告 3080

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