CentOS 6 5 Linux系統安全初始化指令碼

2021-06-23 05:15:58 字數 2311 閱讀 5689

centos 6.5 linux system security init scripts  (linux系統安全初始化指令碼)  


cat /usr/local/scripts/system_security_init.sh


# this is system security init

# write by'mike.liweizhong

# email [email protected]

# technology blog  

# version 04.8.10

# system version centos 6.5


user="user01 user02"



mkdir /home/operator

for i in $user

douseradd  -d /home/operator/$i  $i

echo "$pwd_init" |passwd --stdin $i &> /dev/null

chage -d 0 $i

gpasswd -a $i wheel 


sed -i "108s/^# //g" /etc/sudoers

sed -i "6s/^#//g"  /etc/pam.d/su 


#sed -i "s/#port 22/port 20014/g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config

sed -i "s/#permitrootlogin yes/permitrootlogin no/g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config

service sshd restart


rm -rf /etc/issue

rm -rf /etc/issue.net

echo "welcome to gosafe linux server" > /etc/issue

echo "welcome to gosafe linux server" > /etc/issue.net


sed -i "s/histsize=1000/histsize=100/g" /etc/profile

sed -i "49 i\tmout=300" /etc/profile

#echo "history -c" >> ~/.bash_logout


sed -i "25s/99999/200/g" /etc/login.defs


sed -i "15s/type=/minlen=12/g" /etc/pam.d/system-auth


mkdir /usr/local/user_info_log

chmod a+w /usr/local/user_info_log

#cat >> /etc/profile << eff

#if [ $uid -ge 500 ]; then

#exec /usr/bin/script -t 2>/usr/local/user_info_log/$user-$uid-`date +%y%m%d%h%m`.date  -a -f -q /usr/local/user_info_log/$user-$uid-`date +%y%m%d%h%m`.log



#bad_ip=$( lastb -i -a | grep ssh | awk '' | sort |uniq -c | awk '$1>3 ')

#for i in $bad_ip

#do#echo "sshd: $i" >> /etc/hosts.deny


#echo "" > /var/log/btmp


#chattr +i /etc/passwd /boot/grub/grub.conf 

echo "system security init finish !!!"

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