Oracle 遞迴查詢

2021-06-24 11:33:09 字數 1244 閱讀 6246


1. 建表

create table users.tbl_test

( id number,

name varchar2(100 byte),

pid number default 0

);insert into tbl_test(id,name,pid) values('1','10','0');

insert into tbl_test(id,name,pid) values('2','11','1'

insert into tbl_test(id,name,pid) values('3','20','0');

insert into tbl_test(id,name,pid) values('4','12','1');

insert into tbl_test(id,name,pid) values('5','121','2');

2. 語法

select * from …. where [結果過濾條件語句]

start with [and起始條件過濾語句]

connect by prior [and中間記錄過濾條件語句]

3. 例子


select * from tbl_test start with id = 1 connect by prior id = pid
注意:此sql能查詢id=1的資料的所有下級,包括id=1的資料,寫sql語句時要注意,因為是從id開始查詢下級,所以connect by prior 子句的條件是id=pid


select * from tbl_test start with pid = 1 connect by prior id = pid


select * from tbl_test start with id = 5 connect by prior pid = id
因為是從id開始查詢上級,所以connect by prior 子句的條件是pid=d

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