
2021-06-27 11:34:47 字數 1769 閱讀 5420

#include #include using namespace std;

struct student

;int main()


char c[50];

int i;

ostrstream strout(c,50); //建立輸出串流strout,與字元陣列c關聯

for (i=0;i<3;i++)

strout << " " << stud[i].num << " " << stud[i].name << " " << stud[i].score;

strout << ends;

cout << "array c:" << endl << c << endl << endl; //顯示陣列c的內容

istrstream strin(c,50); //建立輸入串流strin,與字元陣列c關聯

for (i=0;i<3;i++) //從c讀入3個學生的資料,賦給stud1陣列

strin >> stud1[i].num >> stud1[i].name >> stud1[i].score;

cout << "data from array c to array stud1:" << endl;

for (i=0;i<3;i++)

cout << stud1[i].num << " " << stud1[i].name << " " << stud1[i].score << endl;

cout << endl;

cout << "hello world!" << endl;

return 0;



#include #include using namespace std;

struct student

;int main()


char c[50];

int i;

strstream strio(c,50,ios::in|ios::out); //建立輸出串流strout,與字元陣列c關聯

for (i=0;i<3;i++)

strio << " " << stud[i].num << " " << stud[i].name << " " << stud[i].score;

strio << ends;

cout << "array c:" << endl << c << endl << endl; //顯示陣列c的內容

for (i=0;i<3;i++) //從c讀入3個學生的資料,賦給stud1陣列

strio >> stud1[i].num >> stud1[i].name >> stud1[i].score;

cout << "data from array c to array stud1:" << endl;

for (i=0;i<3;i++)

cout << stud1[i].num << " " << stud1[i].name << " " << stud1[i].score << endl;

cout << endl;

cout << "hello world!" << endl;

return 0;



python 檔案操作(輸入 輸出)

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