POCO C 1 6 0 VS2012安裝配置

2021-06-28 23:08:01 字數 1588 閱讀 3977


5.設定環境變數。poco_home f:\poco\poco-1.6.0

6.新增include目錄。開啟工程屬性頁,在「configuration properties -> c/c++ -> general -> additional include directories」欄目中新增「$(poco_home)\foundation\include」,確認並應用該設定。

7.新增lib鏈結庫。開啟屬性頁,在「configuration properties -> linker -> general -> additional library directories」欄目中新增lib目錄路徑$(poco_home)\lib。在「configuration properties -> linker -> input -> additional dependencies」中新增應用程式需要用到的lib檔案。

8.更改輸出路徑,以便專案生成的應用程式能夠呼叫dll檔案。開啟工程屬性,將「configuration properties -> general -> output directory」改為「$(poco_home)\bin」;將「configuration properties -> debugging -> working directory」改為「$(outdir)」。

9.設定完成後,重啟visual studio。


#include "stdafx.h"

#include "poco/datetime.h"

#include "poco/datetimeformat.h"


using poco::datetime;

using poco::datetimeformat;

int main(int argc, char** argv)

{datetime now;

std::cout << "today is "

<< datetimeformat::weekday_names[now.dayofweek()] << ", "

<< datetimeformat::month_names[now.month() - 1] << " "

<< now.day() << " - "

<< "day number "

<< now.dayofyear()

<< " in "

<< now.year()

<< " and day number "

<< (long) now.julianday()

<< " in the julian calendar." << std::endl;

return 0;


以 vs2013 為例:

poco 根目錄下有



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