儲存過程的 建立 和 呼叫

2021-06-29 04:24:52 字數 4837 閱讀 3967


create or replace procedure has_permission(contentid in varchar2,contenttype in number,privilege in number,userid in number,returncode out number)

ismaxprivilege number default -1; --最大許可權級別

dirid varchar2(50);--檔案的目錄id

stdtype number;--標準圖/標準工具/標準模組 型別



--如果是 預審庫檔案

if contenttype =1 then

select max(f.dir_id) into dirid from sj_pre_file f where f.id = contentid;

select max(d.privilege) into maxprivilege from sj_dac d,sys_user_role ur

where d.owner_id = ur.role_id

and d.owner_type = 3

and ur.user_id = userid

and (

(d.content_type= 2 and d.content_id in (select j.id from sj_pre_category j start with j.id = dirid connect by prior j.parent_id = j.id))

or(d.content_type= contenttype and d.content_id = contentid)

);end if;

--如果是 預審庫目錄

if contenttype =2 then

select max(d.privilege) into maxprivilege from sj_dac d,sys_user_role ur

where d.owner_id = ur.role_id

and d.owner_type = 3

and ur.user_id = userid

and d.content_type= contenttype

and d.content_id in (select j.id from sj_pre_category j start with j.id = contentid connect by prior j.parent_id = j.id);

end if;

--如果是 成果庫檔案

if contenttype =3 then

select max(f.dir_id) into dirid from sj_lib_file f where f.id = contentid;

select max(d.privilege) into maxprivilege from sj_dac d,sys_user_role ur

where d.owner_id = ur.role_id

and d.owner_type = 3

and ur.user_id = userid

and (

(d.content_type = 4 and d.content_id in (select j.id from sj_lib_category j start with j.id = dirid connect by prior j.parent_id = j.id))

or(d.content_type = contenttype and d.content_id = contentid )

);end if;

--如果是 成果庫目錄

if contenttype =4 then

select max(d.privilege) into maxprivilege from sj_dac d,sys_user_role ur

where d.owner_id = ur.role_id

and d.owner_type = 3

and ur.user_id = userid

and d.content_type= contenttype

and d.content_id in (select j.id from sj_lib_category j start with j.id = contentid connect by prior j.parent_id = j.id);

end if;

--如果是 標準庫目錄

if contenttype =6 then

select max(d.privilege) into maxprivilege from sj_dac d,sys_user_role ur

where d.owner_id = ur.role_id

and d.owner_type = 3

and ur.user_id = userid

and d.content_type= contenttype

and d.content_id in (select j.id from sj_std_type j start with j.id = contentid connect by prior j.parent_id = j.id);

end if;

--如果是 標準圖

if contenttype =7 then

select max(chart.type) into stdtype from sj_std_chart chart where chart.id = contentid;

select max(d.privilege) into maxprivilege from sj_dac d,sys_user_role ur

where d.owner_id = ur.role_id

and d.owner_type = 3

and ur.user_id = userid


(d.content_type= 6 and d.content_id in (select j.id from sj_std_type j start with j.id = stdtype connect by prior j.parent_id = j.id))

or(d.content_type= contenttype and d.content_id = contentid)

);end if;

--如果是 標準工具

if contenttype =8 then

select max(tools.type) into stdtype from sj_std_tools tools where tools.id = contentid;

select max(d.privilege) into maxprivilege from sj_dac d,sys_user_role ur

where d.owner_id = ur.role_id

and d.owner_type = 3

and ur.user_id = userid


(d.content_type= 6 and d.content_id in (select j.id from sj_std_type j start with j.id = stdtype connect by prior j.parent_id = j.id))

or(d.content_type= contenttype and d.content_id = contentid)

);end if;

--如果是 標準模組

if contenttype =9 then

select max(module.type) into stdtype from sj_std_module module where module.id = contentid;

select max(d.privilege) into maxprivilege from sj_dac d,sys_user_role ur

where d.owner_id = ur.role_id

and d.owner_type = 3

and ur.user_id = userid


(d.content_type= 6 and d.content_id in (select j.id from sj_std_type j start with j.id = stdtype connect by prior j.parent_id = j.id))

or(d.content_type= contenttype and d.content_id = contentid)

);end if;


if maxprivilege >= privilege then

returncode := 1;

end if;

if maxprivilege < privilege then

returncode := 0;

end if;

end has_permission;



returncode number;


-- call the procedure


dbms_output.put_line('returncode=' || returncode);



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