wince 窗體跨程序通訊

2021-07-01 19:43:52 字數 1404 閱讀 9897


public class custommessagewindow : microsoft.windowsce.forms.messagewindow

[dllimport("coredll.dll", entrypoint = "findwindow")]

private extern static intptr findwindow(string lpclassname, string lpwindowname);

[dllimport("coredll.dll", charset =, setlasterror = true)]

private static extern int registerwindowmessage(string lpstring);



/// hwnd:其視窗程式將接收訊息的視窗的控制代碼。如果此引數為hwnd_broadcast,則訊息將被傳送到系統中所有頂層視窗,

///                     包括無效或不可見的非自身擁有的視窗、被覆蓋的視窗和彈出式視窗,但訊息不被傳送到子視窗。

/// msg:指定被傳送的訊息。

/// wparam:指定附加的訊息特定資訊。

/// iparam:指定附加的訊息特定資訊。


[dllimport("coredll.dll", setlasterror = true)]

public static extern int sendmessage(intptr hwnd, int msg, int wparam, int lparam);

public static intptr hwnd_broadcast = new intptr(0xffff);

public static int ce_send = registerwindowmessage("pdaenablemodule_ce_send");//訊息id


//hwnd_broadcast 傳送給所有窗體

//ce_send  自定義訊息id

//currentmodule  附加的訊息資訊

sendmessage(custommessagewindow.hwnd_broadcast,  ce_send, 0, (int)currentmodule);//傳送消 息給另一程序窗體

//form2 接收





protected override void wndproc(ref microsoft.windowsce.forms.message m)


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