改寫Minus語法為not exist

2021-07-01 23:08:28 字數 1112 閱讀 2817


select *

from (select distinct v.parent_id         parentvehid,


fvp.seat            seat

from fc_vehicle v, fc_vehicle_parentfvp

where v.parent_id = fvp.parent_veh_id


select distinct v.parent_id         parentvehid,


fvp.seat            seat

from fc_vehicle             v,     fc_vehicle_parent      fvp,

pams_family_controller fc

where v.parent_id = fvp.parent_veh_id

andv.old_family_code = fc.family_code

and fc.flag = 1) a

order bya.price asc;



select *

from (select distinct v.parent_id         parentvehid,


fvp.seat            seat

from fc_vehicle v, fc_vehicle_parentfvp

where v.parent_id = fvp.parent_veh_id

and not exists( select 1 from

pams_family_controller fc

where v.old_family_code = fc.family_code andfc.flag = 1) a

order bya.price asc;



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