oracle基礎 插入

2021-07-01 23:19:03 字數 1895 閱讀 7634


create table testtable(

c1 varchar2(10) default '預設值1',

c2 varchar2(10) default '預設值2',

c3 varchar2(10) default '預設值3',

c4 date default sysdate

);insert into testtable(c1,c2,c3) values(default,null,'測試值1');

select * from testtable;





create table testtable2 as  select* from testtable ;--複製表和資料

create table testtable2 as  select* from testtable where 1=2;--複製表的定義,不複製資料

insert into testtable2 select * from testtable;--複製資料


alter table emp add constraints ch_sal check(sal>0);--一般情況下,新增約束即可

insert into (select empno,ename,hiredate from emp where hiredate<= sysdate with check option) values(9999,'test',sysdate+1);

/*複雜的,僱傭日期必須小於等於當期系統時間。上面查詢語句將將被為檢視,條關鍵字 with check option 使得插入操作在條件不滿足的情況下,無法插入,從而實現約束*/


/*1.無條件插入 insert

2.有條件  insert all

3.有條件  insert first


create table emp1 as select empno,ename,job from emp where 1=2;

create table emp2 as select empno,ename,deptno from emp where 1=2;


insert all

into emp1(empno,ename,job) values(empno,ename,job)

into emp2(empno,ename,deptno) values(empno,ename,deptno)

select empno,ename,job,deptno from emp ;

select *from  emp1;

select *from  emp2;


delete emp1;

delete emp2;

insert all

when job in ('salesman','manager') then

into emp1(empno,ename,job) values(empno,ename,job)

when deptno in ('20','30') then

into emp2(empno,ename,deptno) values(empno,ename,deptno)

select empno,ename,job,deptno from emp ;

select *from  emp1;

select *from  emp2;



發表 csdn 日期 20090828 在oracle中關於多表插入的有四種分別是 1.無條件的多表insert all 2.帶條件的多表insert all 3.帶條件的多表insert first 4 pivoting insert 語法 insert all first when condit...

oracle 多表插入

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