Tesseract引擎 驗證碼

2021-07-01 23:23:19 字數 1618 閱讀 6159

ocr(optical character recognition):光學字元識別,是指對檔案中的文字進行分析識別,獲取的過程。



windows 命令列使用tesseract-ocr引擎識別驗證碼:


附錄:tessdata 目錄存放的是語言字型檔檔案,和在命令列介面中可能用到的引數所對應的檔案.  這個安裝程式預設包含了英文字型檔。






附錄:usage:tesseract imagename outputbase [-l lang] [-psm pagesegmode] [configfile...]

pagesegmode values are:

0 = orientation and script detection (osd) only.

1 = automatic page segmentation with osd.

2 = automatic page segmentation, but no osd, or ocr

3 = fully automatic page segmentation, but no osd. (default)

4 = assume a single column of text of variable sizes.

5 = assume a single uniform block of vertically aligned text.

6 = assume a single uniform block of text.

7 = treat the image as a single text line.

8 = treat the image as a single word.

9 = treat the image as a single word in a circle.

10 = treat the image as a single character.

-l lang and/or -psm pagesegmode must occur before anyconfigfile.

tesseract imagename outputbase [-l lang] [-psm pagesegmode] [configfile...]

tesseract    名  輸出檔名 -l 字型檔檔案 -psm pagesegmode 配置檔案

例如:tesseract code.jpg result  -l chi_sim -psm 7 nobatch

-psm 7 表示告訴tesseract code.jpg是一行文字  這個引數可以減少識別錯誤率.  預設為 3

configfile 引數值為tessdata\configs 和  tessdata\tessconfigs 目錄下的檔名

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