SQL語句中的NOT IN 的優化

2021-07-01 23:29:37 字數 1120 閱讀 8647

sql語句中的in和not in子查詢理解起來很直觀,和實際的業務也很匹配,所有經常被開發人員使用,資料量不大的表還好,如果資料量太大將導致效能問題。


select count(distinct t.id)

from task t

where t.tenant_key= 'tp18squme1'

and t.id in(

select entity_id

from share_entry

where entry_type= 'user'

and sid= 8005824118306255410)

and t.id not in(

select distinct s.target_id

from stream s

where s.opt_user= 8005824118306255410

and s.target_id is not null)

and t.creator!= 8005824118306255410

and t.status= 'todo'

由於in和not in會全表掃瞄,所有以上查詢效能很低,耗時4s左右;


select count(distinct t.id) from ((select id from task  where tenant_key= 'tp18squme1' and creator!= 8005824118306255410 and status= 'todo') t 

left join (select target_id from stream where opt_user= 8005824118306255410) s on t.id = s.target_id

left join (select entity_id from share_entry where entry_type= 'user' and sid= 8005824118306255410) e on t.id=e.entity_id) 

where s.target_id is null and e.entity_id is not null

用join鏈結查詢代替in和not in查詢可以大大提高效率,優化後的查詢耗時0.2s。

sql優化 in 和 not in 語句

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