全文索引 學習篇

2021-07-02 03:37:40 字數 2627 閱讀 9529


use northwind

go/****** object: table [dbo].[employees] script date: 04/29/2015 17:42:43 ******/

set ansi_nulls on

goset quoted_identifier on

gocreate table [dbo].[employees](

[employeeid] [int] identity(1,1) not for replication not null,

[lastname] [nvarchar](20) not null,

[firstname] [nvarchar](10) not null,

[title] [nvarchar](30) null,

[titleofcourtesy] [nvarchar](25) null,

[birthdate] [datetime] null,

[hiredate] [datetime] null,

[address] [nvarchar](60) null,

[city] [nvarchar](15) null,

[region] [nvarchar](15) null,

[postalcode] [nvarchar](10) null,

[country] [nvarchar](15) null,

[homephone] [nvarchar](24) null,

[extension] [nvarchar](4) null,

[photo] [image] null,

[notes] [ntext] null,

[reportsto] [int] null,

[photopath] [nvarchar](255) null,

constraint [pk_employees] primary key clustered

( [employeeid] asc

)with (pad_index = off, statistics_norecompute = off, ignore_dup_key = off, allow_row_locks = on, allow_page_locks = on) on [primary]

) on [primary] textimage_on [primary]

goalter table [dbo].[employees] with nocheck add constraint [fk_employees_employees] foreign key([reportsto])

references [dbo].[employees] ([employeeid])

goalter table [dbo].[employees] check constraint [fk_employees_employees]

goalter table [dbo].[employees] with nocheck add constraint [ck_birthdate] check (([birthdate] < getdate()))

goalter table [dbo].[employees] check constraint [ck_birthdate]


exec sp_fulltext_database 'enable'


exec sp_fulltext_catalog 'cat_desc','create'


exec sp_fulltext_table

'employees', --表名

'create', --動作

'cat_desc', --全文索引名

'pk_employees' --sqlserver的索引名,一般為主鍵索引


exec sp_fulltext_column

'employees', --表名

'notes', --列名

'add' --動作為新增,即將notes列加入到全文索引中


select employeeid,lastname,firstname from employees

where contains(*,'university')


exec sp_fulltext_table 'employees','start_full'


select employeeid,lastname,firstname from employees

where contains(*,'university')

mysql全文索引的坑 MySQL全文索引問題

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建立全文索引 在進行全文檢索之前,必須先建立和填充資料庫全文索引。為了支援全文索引操作,sql server 7.0新增了一些儲存過程和transact sql語句。使用這些儲存過程建立全文索引的具體步驟如下 括號內為呼叫的儲存過程名稱 1.啟動資料庫的全文處理功能 sp fulltext data...


了解 solr 之後 發現全文索引也能做檢索 故了解了下 筆記如下 建立全文索引 alter table table add fulltext index fulltext table 列1 列2 查詢方式 select from table where match 列1 列2 against 查詢...